Cauliflower (ফুলকপি) in the agricultural land of our village🥦

Hello my dear nature loving friends.
How are you all.I hope everybody is well.I hope you're having a great day.

You know I am Md Aminul Islam from Tangail district of Bangladesh.And you know I am a nature lover man.I always love to travel in the middle of nature.I always enjoy the beauty of nature.I always love to share the beauty of nature with you.Like today I shared some pictures with you here.I tried to show some amazing beauty of village agriculture land in this pictures.Because I always go to the village to taste nature.In the village I get to see the amazing beauty.

Recently one morning I went to the middle of the agriculture in our village.I went to the middle of agricultural land, and I saw new crops in the land.Originally in the land I saw new vegetable.I saw lots of cauliflower (ফুলকপি) in the agriculture land.I was fascinated to see lots of cauliflower in the agricultural land.Cauliflower has enhanced the beauty of agricultural land.The cauliflowers are blooming like flowers.I was amazed at the beauty of cauliflower.That scenes were really amazing.

some talk about cauliflower,

Friends, now winter season in Bangladesh.In winter our country grows a lot of vegetables.In this winter season, a lot of vegetables are grown in the village agricultural lands.In this winter season the farmers happily cultivate in the village.And this cauliflower is a winter vegetable.In winter, a lot of cauliflower grows in the soil of our country.This cauliflower is a popular vegetable in our country.It is a delicious and beneficial vegetable.It is a highly nutritious and vitamin-rich vegetable.This cauliflower very nice to see.The main part of cauliflower is white.Cauliflower also has green leaves.I like to eat this cauliflower.

ফুলকপি নিয়ে কিছু কথা,


বন্ধুরা এখন শীতকাল।শীতকালে আমাদের দেশে প্রচুর সবজি জন্মে।এই শীতকালে গ্রামের কৃষিজমি গুলোতে প্রচুর সবজি জন্মে।শীতকালে গ্রামের কৃষকরা সুখে-শান্তিতে চাষাবাদ করে।আর এই ফুলকপি একটি শীতকালীন সবজি।শীতকালে, আমাদের দেশের মাটিতে প্রচুর ফুলকপি জন্মায়।এই ফুলকপি আমাদের দেশের জনপ্রিয় একটি সবজি।এটি একটি সুস্বাদু এবং উপকারী সবজি।এটি একটি অত্যন্ত পুষ্টিকর এবং ভিটামিন সমৃদ্ধ সবজি।এই ফুলকপি কি দেখতে খুব সুন্দর।ফুলকপির মূল অংশটি সাদা।ফুলকপির আবার সবুজ পাতাও রয়েছে।এই ফুলকপি খেতে আমি পছন্দ করি।

Back to the main discussion,






Then I walked through the middle of cauliflower land.I saw the beauty of cauliflower.scene.I was enjoying the beauty of cauliflower.I was touching the cauliflower with my hand.Really these are amazing views of village's agriculture land.





So my mind wanted, I will share with you the beauty of this cauliflower grown on agricultural land.Then I took some pictures there.I took pictures of the cauliflower and cauliflower field there.I shared the pictures with you here.In the pictures you can see the amazing scenes of Bangladeshi village's agriculture land.In the pictures you can see the cauliflowers in the land.Truly an amazing view and nature.Hopefully you all like this pictures.

All pictures captured by me.
Subject: Amazing nature.
Device: Walton
Model: Primo N4
Lens: 3.62mm f/1.8
Location: Tangail, Bangladesh.

......Thanks to visiting my blog

About Me



I am Md Aminul Islam from Tangail district of Bangladesh.I live in Tangail city. I am a Degree (BSS) pass student.I love my parents and my family members.I love working on HIVE BLOG.I'm not a style man.I am a simple man.My favourite game is Cricket.And my favourite hobby are Traveling, writing, blogging, photography etc.

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