Salsa para Pastas con Vegetales [Esp/Eng]


Fotografìa propiedad de la autora, editada en Canva. Mayo,2023

Photograph property of the author, edited in Canva. May,2023

Saludos cordiales a la comunidad #CreativeCuisine.

Warm greetings to the #CreativeCuisine community.

Siempre expongo que la cocina es un arte donde cada quien le da su toque personal a las recetas que decide preparar y compartir, es vàlido y de allì se puede explorar y deleitar otros sabores y fòrmulas diferentes despertando el interès de otros para realizarla incorporando otros ingredientes manteniendo la base o dar otros sabores. La cocina es Crear.

I always say that cooking is an art where everyone gives their personal touch to the recipes they decide to prepare and share, it is valid and from there you can explore and delight other flavors and different formulas awakening the interest of others to make it with other ingredients while maintaining the base or give other flavors. Cooking is Creating.

Esta preparaciòn o receta surgiò una mañana como a veces nos encontramos con pocas cosas en la nevera. En este dìa, me encontrè con un poco de calabacìn, media berenjena, dos zanahorias, cuatro tomates maduros; dije: -una salsa para pastas con estos vegetales que tengo, un poco de cebolla y ajo que no me falta. Manos a la obra.

Se porcediò a rallar la zanahoria, cortar la cebolla, el calabacìn y la berenjena, igual el ajo aplastarlo( asì me gusta, luego lo corto pequeñito) El tomate se colocò en una olla a hervir hasta que se agrieta la piel.

This preparation or recipe came up one morning as sometimes we find ourselves with few things in the fridge. On this day, I found some zucchini, half an eggplant, two carrots, four ripe tomatoes; I said: -a pasta sauce with these vegetables that I have, a little onion and garlic that I always have. Let's get to work.

I proceeded to grate the carrot, cut the onion, the zucchini and the eggplant, and crush the garlic (I like it that way, then I cut it tiny). The tomato was put in a pot to boil until the skin cracked.

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Listos los tomates, hervidos son llevados a la licuadora. Colarlos.

Ready tomatoes, boiled, are taken to the blender. Strain them.

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La pulpa del tomate, colado se lleva al fuego con un poco de orègano, se deja hervir a fuego muy lento mientras se sigue con la otra preparaciòn.

En un sartèn se sofrìe el ajo y la cebolla, cuando està lista o se considera que ya està, se uniò a ello la zanahoria rallada, el calabacìn y la berenjena.

The tomato pulp, strained, is put on the fire with a little oregano, let it boil over very low heat while continuing with the other preparation.

In a frying pan sauté the garlic and the onion, when it is ready or is considered to be ready, add the grated carrot, the cabbage and the eggplant.

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Cuando la pulpa del tomate ya haya cambiado un poco el color (se ve màs rojizo) se procediò a unir con los vegetales sofritos, agregando sal, cùrcuma y un poco de comino.

When the tomato pulp has changed its color a little bit (it looks more reddish), we proceeded to mix it with the sautéed vegetables, adding salt, turmeric and a little cumin.

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Mientras se cuece todo ya unido. En una olla con agua suficiente de acuerdo a la cantidad de pasta que quiera cocinar se coloca a hervir. Cuando hierve un poco de sal y se coloca la pasta.

Ya lista la salsa y la pasta se procediò a servir y se acompañò con un delicioso jugo de guayaba.

Esta comida fue un banquete, puedo agregar que siempre tenemos que ver la abundancia en nuestras neveras, nunca ver lo poco. Hasta una guayaba se tenìa y resultò el jugo acompañante del almuerzo de ese dìa.

While everything is cooking together. In a pot with enough water according to the amount of pasta you want to cook, bring it to boil. When it boils a little salt and put the pasta.

Once the sauce and the pasta are ready, proceed to serve it with a delicious guava juice.

This meal was a feast, I can add that we always have to see the abundance in our fridges, never see the little. There was even a guava to be had and it turned out to be the accompanying juice for lunch that day.

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-Divisores/ Dividers Fuente/Source
-Traductor/Translator DeepL
-Fotografìa propiedad de la autora/Photograph property of the author

Feliz navidad.png


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Welcome friend @mercmarg , the art of cooking is very particular in each hand, some make sauces with thousands of things others only with salt, but the real art is to solve with what we have to dispocisión hahaha, thanks for sharing with us, you just missed out in photos, is one of the rules of the community 😉😊


Thank you, yes. I have those photos from a few months ago when those rules were not yet in place, ha ha ha ha .
I'll keep an eye out for more recipes.

Thank you, thank you very much


Hola se ve muy rica esa salsa para pasta con vegetales comida sana


Si, queda muy rica. Asì como cuando no tenemos la carne molida como acostumbramos a hacerlo.

