My Arch Enemy's Daughter (ENG/ESP)


It all started years ago when I was happily living with my parents who had just sealed their marriage after giving birth to me. We were not the wealthiest but we were comfortable and had all that we needed. We were a happy family of three living in a very quiet environment off town.

Mum is a full house wife who would always take care of my needs and that of dad, she was a perfect mother to me. Dad works at an agency that catches bad guys, so I learnt from mum because dad never told me in plain English what he did for a living. I didn't ask much because the job was paying fairly and enough to take care of our needs.

Just two years after I learnt about dad's real job, we were attacked by masked men with guns. Mum was fast to hide her ten years old son in a well secured place before they broke into the house. The place was like a place they've been building incase anything happened and that day seem to be the day they've been waiting for.

I was downstairs when I heard different gunshots and a scream from my mum, I couldn't bear to leave everything to my imaginations. I decided to go out of the safe place mum had left me, only to see my parents lying in their blood with tears rolling from mum's eyes.

Dad died after telling me who the people were and why they had came to attack us, I was pushed to seek vengeance from them because dad was on the right and they were taking advantage of the situation. What I did next landed me where I am right now... I showed myself to the masked men and they took me to their boss which they never thought was the worse mistake they did.

Now, I am 25 and I'm well aware of how things work here living with the boss who killed my parents. He would always tell me of his next plan, I have been his favourite agent since I came in as a child (it was all part of my plan). My skills as an agent is second to none, even my boss gets scared of me sometimes but he does still have the power to take my life when he is ready which he would never be ready to do.

All the other agents under me loved me because they were there when I came in as a child and they also feared my strength and skill as I grew up with a full conviction of getting revenge. The boss had once played a mind game on me and thought I had forgotten how my parents died but he was wrong.

I helped him fight, steal, go on evil missions and even kill a few just to get a full knowledge of what he does, I knew I was growing to be like him more and more but I didn't stop because I could still remember my past clearly.


What I never got to know about my arch enemy was that he had a daughter almost my age who was so beautiful, intelligent and works for her father too. I had her as a friend who I was planning to be in romantic relationship with when I was done bringing my enemy now but I found out she was a full supporter of her father's evil deeds.

My love for her went cold, or so I thought after finding out just not to go easy on my arch enemy. She didn't know about my plans so she kept coming to me with the hope that I would get our romantic love started but I kept failing to her. She got angry and stopped coming after many trials.

I missed her so much that I forgot about my revenge, I went for her, we got into loving ourselves so much and her father approved our marriage, we got a new house from her father and we began to live in love but after completing any mission given to us by her father.

It's been six years into our marriage, I remembered my past again and decided to go ahead with my plan by just getting rid of my arch enemy, my love's father. It was at night, I sneaked up to his home where he lived alone with body guards at every corner but I knew my way around so I was never caught until I got close to his room and over heard something that strucked my heart.

He was telling the whole story of what happened years back, when my parents died and how he had been using me as a good ally in so many missions. Then he also revealed that my dad had married his first love which happened to be my mum and that got him so jealous to have them killed. I felt so angry that I shot at him immediately which only landed on his shoulder.

He screamed and I had more people to fight before I could kill him happily. I defeated all the bodyguards but just as I was about shooting at him for all my revenge and hatred for him, I heard a loud bang and he was down lying lifeless in his own blood.

I turned around to see my pregnant wife holding a gun with tears in her eyes. It was long overdue, he had to die for peace to live again... She said after hugging me and cleaning her tears.

Todo comenzó hace años cuando vivía felizmente con mis padres que acababan de sellar su matrimonio después de darme a luz. No éramos los más ricos, pero estábamos cómodos y teníamos todo lo que necesitábamos. Éramos una familia feliz de tres que vivíamos en un entorno muy tranquilo fuera de la ciudad.

Mamá es una ama de casa llena que siempre cuidaría de mis necesidades y las de papá, ella fue una madre perfecta para mí. Papá trabaja en una agencia que atrapa a los malos, así que aprendí de mamá porque papá nunca me dijo en un lenguaje sencillo a qué se dedicaba. No pedí mucho porque el trabajo estaba bien pagado y lo suficiente para atender nuestras necesidades.

Apenas dos años después de enterarme del verdadero trabajo de papá, fuimos atacados por hombres enmascarados con armas. Mamá se apresuró a esconder a su hijo de diez años en un lugar seguro antes de que irrumpieran en la casa. El lugar era como un lugar que habían estado construyendo en caso de que algo sucediera y ese día parecía ser el día que habían estado esperando.

Estaba abajo cuando escuché diferentes disparos y un grito de mi mamá, no podía soportar dejar todo a mi imaginación. Decidí salir del lugar seguro que mamá me había dejado, solo para ver a mis padres yaciendo en su sangre con lágrimas en los ojos de mamá.

Papá murió después de decirme quiénes eran las personas y por qué habían venido a atacarnos, me empujaron a buscar venganza de ellos porque papá era de derecha y se estaban aprovechando de la situación. Lo que hice a continuación me llevó a donde estoy ahora... Me mostré a los hombres enmascarados y me llevaron ante su jefe, lo que nunca pensaron que fue el peor error que cometieron.

Ahora tengo 25 años y soy muy consciente de cómo funcionan las cosas aquí viviendo con el jefe que mató a mis padres. Siempre me contaba de su próximo plan, he sido su agente favorito desde que llegué cuando era niño (todo era parte de mi plan). Mis habilidades como agente son insuperables, incluso mi jefe me tiene miedo a veces, pero aún tiene el poder de quitarme la vida cuando esté listo, lo que nunca estaría listo para hacer.

Todos los demás agentes a mi cargo me querían porque estaban allí cuando entré cuando era niño y también temían mi fuerza y ​​habilidad a medida que crecía con la plena convicción de vengarme. Una vez, el jefe me había jugado un juego mental y pensó que había olvidado cómo murieron mis padres, pero estaba equivocado.

Lo ayudé a pelear, robar, participar en misiones malvadas e incluso matar a algunos solo para tener un conocimiento completo de lo que hace. Sabía que estaba creciendo para ser como él cada vez más, pero no me detuve porque aún podía recordar. mi pasado claramente.


Lo que nunca llegué a saber acerca de mi archienemigo fue que tenía una hija casi de mi edad que era tan hermosa, inteligente y que también trabajaba para su padre. La tenía como una amiga con la que planeaba tener una relación romántica cuando terminara de traer a mi enemigo ahora, pero descubrí que apoyaba completamente las malas acciones de su padre.

Mi amor por ella se enfrió, o eso pensé después de descubrir que no debía ser fácil con mi archienemigo. Ella no sabía acerca de mis planes, así que siguió viniendo a mí con la esperanza de que comenzara nuestro amor romántico, pero seguí fallando. Ella se enojó y dejó de venir después de muchas pruebas.

La extrañé tanto que me olvidé de mi venganza, fui por ella, nos empezamos a querer mucho y su padre aprobó nuestro matrimonio, conseguimos una nueva casa de su padre y empezamos a vivir enamorados pero después de completar cualquier misión que nos dio su padre.

Han pasado seis años de nuestro matrimonio, recordé mi pasado nuevamente y decidí seguir adelante con mi plan simplemente deshaciéndome de mi archienemigo, el padre de mi amor. Era de noche, me escabullí a su casa donde vivía solo con guardaespaldas en cada esquina, pero conocía el camino, así que nunca me atraparon hasta que me acerqué a su habitación y escuché algo que me golpeó el corazón.

Estaba contando toda la historia de lo que sucedió años atrás, cuando mis padres murieron y cómo me había estado usando como un buen aliado en tantas misiones. Luego también reveló que mi padre se había casado con su primer amor, que resultó ser mi madre, y eso lo puso tan celoso de que los mataran. Me sentí tan enojado que le disparé de inmediato, que solo aterrizó en su hombro.

Gritó y tuve más gente para luchar antes de que pudiera matarlo felizmente. Derroté a todos los guardaespaldas, pero justo cuando estaba a punto de dispararle por toda mi venganza y odio hacia él, escuché un fuerte golpe y él yacía sin vida en su propia sangre.

Me di la vuelta para ver a mi esposa embarazada sosteniendo un arma con lágrimas en los ojos. Se había retrasado mucho, tenía que morir para que la paz volviera a vivir... Dijo después de abrazarme y limpiarse las lágrimas.

Banner designed by my team for the Dreemport collaboration with ecency


Wow wow wow, you got me to glue to the end. I was expecting brutal revenge from you but even his daughter knew her dad has a lot of blood on his hands and she had to end his life by herself.

It must be a very tough one for her, this is a fantastic piece.


Haha I'm glad I got you 😁
Yeah, the daughter must have been fighting with her mind in getting her own father killed


Wow, this is a really beautiful story, I was just glued to see how it will all end and fortunately, it ended in the least way I expected.

It's a good thing his wife was on his side, that only means that she loves him so much.

Nice writeup dear.

How is the challenge going for you? Have you seen the post from @dreemport? Go check it out, if you haven't.


Haha yeah, it sure did ended in the least expected way... I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
I've seen the post on Dreemport, the party is going to be lit! 🥰


I know right? You did really well with the story lines.

Wow, that's nice and yes it's going to be lit 👌.


I think I need to sit down and take a second reading, revenge will be my sole purpose in such story, this is a beautiful piece, I will take a second reading because it interests me ⚡⚡👍👍👍⚡


Haha you're a funny one 😅


Sure , it is a beautiful piece ❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘


Wonderful story with creativity. The words have a deep effect and these are showing your talent to convey your thoughts and emotions.


Oops, dreemport brought me here again, hehehe. This was a really beautiful story 💙.


Una historia si se quiere con un terrible final, de hecho, garantizado por todo el drama de violencia y muerte que ha rodeado al protagonista y su entorno. Podría decirse que el amor triunfa, pero con tantas muertes, eso no es aso. Muy buena historia. Encantado mi genial soñadora.
