Reached A Listnerds Goal: I Can Read and Upvote to My Hearts Content


My very first listnerds goal, was to be able to read emails to my hearts content.

My goal for CTP STAKE is 1.png

At first I thought I wanted to read every single email, and support my fellow nerds.

Then I realized that, not only was that task time consuming, many of the fellow nerds send the same email out over, and over (and over and over) and clicking on it and going to the site... again, is simply not what I want to do with my time.

Now I glance at the subject lines, and the senders, and pick and choose which mails to read that way.

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Now that I read mails in this manner, I find that I always have more than enough CTP Staked to read every mail I want.

The magic number seems to be 3086 CTP.

With this number I can read all the eye catching titles, all the posts written by my besties (you best believe I click on every single one of @misslasvegas' posts and listnerdsvote it), and all the posts written by @spinvest.

Because what is good for @spinvest is good for me.

I am unstaking a small amount of listnerds per day

Something you should just do that I just don't 1.png
I figure if I want to reach 10,000 CTP I need an income source to help me get there.

At first, I was going to keep ALL listnerds but as the price keeps moving I keep getting reminded that it is ok to re-position my finances and make some holding stronger than others.

I may not need 5000 CTP to read all the mails I want, but I still want to have that amount sitting there.

And why not have the same sitting on Hive-Engine as well?

I am keeping most of my listnerds as I fully expect the project to keep growing.

I look forward to the day when I can bring what I have going on at mailer lite here - and then really have all my services on web 3.

I have been slowly moving all my services to Web3, and looking forward to being paid to market instead of having to pay for it.

CTP Community, I can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve.

I'll make sure to pay attention and jump on the bandwagon again.

Interested in Joining my project instead of reading about how I am growing my project?

Click on the image below :)

Get Paid Crypto to Read My Intuitive Messages.png


You have been getting Nerdy! 🤓 Great work on your goals.
