Is It Worth Buying Packs?? What's Your Opinion -๐ŸŒ  Starbits & Cold Pizza #148 ๐Ÿ•

Hey Rockstars,

I hope you all are having a rocking day. Time for another edition of Starbits & Cold Pizza!

Here's what's been happening in my world of Rising Star!

Sending you all Good Vibes and Enjoy The pizza!!

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Are Card Packs Really Worth Buying??

I'm not sure how many card packs I have already purchased but it's quite a bit. And most of the Time it's filled with common cards and rares. Occasionally I get an Epic card if I'm lucky, but they are few and far between. But I have never scored a legend.

1130 cards, most of them from packs purchased! But not one legend. While these are mythical creatures I'm chasing. It does make me wonder f my investments should be spent else where?

Cards on the market are pretty pricey. But rares and commons you can pic up cheap cheap at launch. Even epics are available at a good price on the market if they are not discontinued. So not sure if this is the way to go either.

What is your take? Packs Or Market Or Invest Differently?

I'm keen to hear what you have to say! Pop me a line in the comments and lets chat strategy!

Today's new cards

Opened up 3 more card packs today and got a few new cards. Nothing Fresh and cool new rares!

Here's what else i got!




Much Love From Sunny Cape Town, @mimismartypants

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Many cards are on the edge of being discontinued. So buying packs is probably a good strategy for now. !PIZZA


I get that yeah which is a great reason. At the same time you also land up with an infinite number of busters and also various common cards. Lol !PIZZA
