How much wealth or finances is needed to live a comfortable life in this century


Hello Hive.


Everything is happening so fast and so is the changes we experience by day.
Lifestyle is changing and so is other stuff like job, food finances, weather and all.
It seems like we have created a whole new world for ourselves. As these changes is inevitable we also have to adjust and flow with the tide.

What people did to earn money or become wealthy in the previous century isn't what will earn you that much if you venture into in in our times.
Source of income has changed
Job description has changed
Method of payment and everything has changed.

If you decided to carry out a previous century job into our present time, you are likely to make little or no income say more of generating wealth for yourself.

If there is an upgrade in the system, you are equally advised to update your standard.
I trust that you can see the situations where one can make a living been just a graphic designer or a social media influencer.

A very funny one here is my dad totally confused how I earn money from social media (Hive) .

He is totally confused but there is no way I can explain this to someone who cannot even use an android phone 🤓

His definition of success is quite different from mine.
And the amount of money he needs to live a comfortable life will seem like a peanut before a present day lifestyler

Regardless of inflation and economic crisis, what is the minimum amount of money you need to regard yourself as successful or wealthy?.

Am not really talking about the health is wealth part or we can term ourselves wealthy if we are healthy.

I mean having kept all things at equilibrium, what amount of money do you need to term yourself wealthy as this varies from one individual to another.

We all seem to be chasing money, setting various financial goals but is there a stop to this search of money, or an average you will get to and reduce your momentum for money chase.

Is there an end to our quest and search foe money or at what stage do we become greedy to never have enough even if our bank accounts are overflowing.

For me, all things been equal if I can get a house of my own and all the basic needs, a million HP is just enough for me to call myself wealthy, I can't kill myself chasing after money all my life 😂😂😀😄.

Let the conversation continue,
How much do you need to term yourself wealthy?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 117 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


You are really doing a great job here. I love the way you share some quality post here I wish to be like you. To me I need like 50000 dollar


$50k is definately not a bad one. That shouldn't be greed I guess...

Thanks for stopping by.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
