RE: What Do You Spend (Or Waste) Your Time On?


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I have been trapped by this post on my use of time. Over time, making a schedule for what seem like a goal has not been taken with utmost attention with the consideration of time.
Time is the biggest asset. When time is not judiciously used, it can never be redeemed. Hence, making all effort to specify what time is assigned to a duty or a task, without which would be adjudged to walked adrift of the purpose of living.

I know I can make a post out you magnificent thoughts in this work. I haven't read a more enterprising post as such in the last few days. Well done sir.
I came about this work via @dreemport


Wow! Thank you for your awesome comment and for your kind words. I do appreciate it!

It is very true what you say about how we plan and spend our time. It makes me think about what my father has always taught me since childhood. He said, "As long as you can remain ahead of time, you can be calm and remain in control, but as soon as time gets ahead of you, you're in trouble."

I'm really glad to hear that you enjoyed reading my post.

I'm looking forward to reading that post you're going to make. I would love to read it!

And a big shoutout and thank you to @dreemport for pointing you towards my post!
