The Tribunal to Probe War Crimes in Russian-Ukraine War : Nothing Going for Something


Following the long run of the war between Russia and Ukraine, in addition to it's effect globally in various aspects of living and living without, there has been cases of destruction done in various aspects of living too counting on lives gone, properties damaged, economic effect and environmental enhancements for living too.

In record to this, there has been cases of supposed war crimes which has spread as to an extent rumor which to some are true without any manipulations to it as forged but this time the European union in charge of this decided to take this to a different level to ensure a smooth run and cast doubts by taking the matter into investigations as to come up with provable and strong evidence as to if it's true or not.

The European Union will try to set up a specialised court, backed by the United Nations, to investigate and prosecute possible war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine, European Commision President Ursula von der Leyen said on Wednesday.source

Von der Leyen coming up with a bold statement of having everything in place to work out things out to ensure a smooth trial in this tribunal court proving there aren't any atom of skeleton in the cupboard or iota bad feelings as regards to cheating or lies to this.

Ukraine feeling ill-treated by the outcome of this war and the way Russia has committed atrocities in regards to humans and other things proving them going extra miles in committing war crimes.

Not taking this out of place, there has been cases of the Hague-based International Criminal Court (I.C.C) forwarding investigations proving their aggression in Ukraine since the invasion of Russia military in February 24 but couldn't have the penetration to scale through because of the look of things but this ignition turned on to serve and put forth what is due is of immense help and in agreement with the already made attempt to this by the I.C.C .

"While continuing to support the International Criminal Court, we are proposing to set up a specialised court, backed by the United Nations, to investigate and prosecute Russia's crime of aggression," von der Leyen said.source

Not just for frivolities sake because there should be an optimum backup as to ensure the deal is done on a platter of fairness, the I.C.C has a backup from the united nations because of the unanimous effort alone from them which grants them worthy and of great power to ascertain cases concerning those with high profiles in Russian notwithstanding the position held.

So many claims of war crimes being attributed to Russia since the onset of this war and to some of these claims there are good evidence to prove but it won't be taken to be that great impact or having a great vaccume if the necessary bodies specialized on it didn't take it to the optimum hight that being the more reason why they have the strong backup.


The G7 agreed on Tuesday to set up a network to coordinate investigations into war crimes as part of a push to prosecute suspected atrocities in Ukraine.An act of aggression is defined by the United Nations as the "invasion or attack by the armed forces of a state of the territory of another state, or any military occupation.source

Legal expertise taking this to be of full importance has this of great value and important enough judging from the inhuman acts which has been laid as accusations to Russia off to be proven to be true if the trial and evidence goes the other way round. There are moreso so other various of punishment to be attached to this if found to be true cause it's of a wise saying that whosoever crosses the hedge will serpent bit making this also to be a warning to countries which might engage in a war in a long run and wants to think the unthinkable as to commit war crimes.

I beating my hand to the chest and having full alligence to this as enough ought to be enough in respect to this long prolong war that has caused more good and harm to nations close and beyond and to every inhuman act one commits there awaits a punishment due for it.

