My Mission Statement for my 30 years old self


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I was watching tv on a lazy Sunday afternoon and Jerry Macguire was on. I watched the movie and his mission statement seemed like a very interesting idea. I was somewhat lost in life, prior to making a big shift that landed me here. I knew I was chasing a path to eternal unhappiness but was unable to go through the safety bumpers that have been placed around me by my family. The intentions were good but they were leading me down the most traveled road, one that worked fine for them, one they could guide me through. But it was one that I would rather yeet myself off rather than take one more step.

I've crashed through the safety bumpers, I'm going off-road and crafting my own path. I'm doing crypto full-time.

My mission statement

A good friend of mine recently turned 30 and that made me reflect on where I want to be in life when I turn 30. That's why I'm making this mission statement for my 30 years self to look back upon and see how wrong or right we were.

What's most important to me

I've reflected on the matter for some days. This "goal" might seem superficial but this is what resonates with me the most. Passive income and the freedom that it entails is the most important thing to me at the moment.

I remember being a little kid playing SIMS and my biggest goal was always to create generational wealth. I would slave my characters into writing books every waking hour.

I never fully understood why I was doing so...

Now I know why... It was the only form of passive income, once you got the book published you would get money every single month on the mail from the book sales. I guess it was always on the back of my mind but I never realized it.

Most Important Goal

Freedom, I want to be free to do whatever the heck I want to. I just got rid of the shackles of the expectations that were holding me back, now it's time to break the financial shackles that keep me from living my best life.
The best thing about it is that I will have the best time of my life while breaking through them. If you couldn't tell already, I love finances and everything related.

The whole process is a challenge that I will get to enjoy for the rest of my life with a moving goal that will push me further year after year.

To my 30 years old self: I sure hope you're happy and making somewhere in the neighborhood of $4000 a month. Preferably $2k of those are from passive income.

1109 days left

It's scary to see how much time I got left in days. 3 years seem like a lot of time but when you converted it to days it suddenly seems it is just around the corner.
I vow to myself to make the most of every single day in order to achieve our goals.
I will give it all so that you'll have a better life, I will sacrifice instant gratification for a promise of a better future. One where the cost of my sacrifices has compounded into even greater happiness!

I will come back to this mission statement on my 30th birthday to see how far I've come.

Happy birthday to my 30 old self, I hope you got to read this and are proud of your achievements.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I really liking the way you are making some aggressive but achievable goal.
Wish you all the luck.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Love the determination and goals set for yourself. I believe with the way you've been going, you will achieve your mission before 30. Best wishes has continue working towards it

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You know, I've also been reflecting on myself these past few days and how I got to this point, publishing blogposts on LeoFinance. I remember jumping between faucets collecting satoshis and doing surveys to earn a few dollars. It wasn't great, took a lot of time and it certainly didn't bring in anything that impressive. was doing that since 2018 after the market had crashed then stopped around 2019.

When Bitcoin gained steam again, I was left with about $300 worth, invested it all in CUB once I got onboarded here, and the rest is history.

What this shows is that there are a lot of opportunities that have been manufactured that a lot of our fathers and grandfathers have no idea of on the internet. I'm not just talking about cryptocurrencies, though that's where the big bucks are, but building entire businesses and starting ventures on websites and such. What your parents are trying to impose on you is their dated mode of thought which inherently ignores the newer ventures we have today, especially of the online variety.

I'm 20, turning 21 in just two months, and that'll finally mark the end of my teenage years. And going foreword, I'll make it a goal for myself to be earning passive income through DeFi, and Kingdoms makes achieving that goal a little bit easier for me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


One of my biggest regrets was stoping using the faucets as much during the bear market when the rewards were higher (In satoshis). I learned a valuable lesson there, I'm way more patient now and I focus on the long term instead of letting short term losses affect my motivation.

Very cool to see that you're already looking for passive income opportunities at such a young age. I wish I started earlier.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


unfortunately it is so true. when talking about years it is like considering "ages". when thinking on how many days are left within these years, even 10 years seems so small being only 3650 days :/
