¿recomiendo ver Yashahime: princesas mitad demonio? + LUV // Do I recommend watching Yashahime: Half Demon Princesses? + LUV


Hola, hoy quiero hablar de Yashahime: princesa mitad demonio.


Esta serie es la continuación de una antigua y clásica serie de anime llamada Inuyasha que quiere decir perro demonio la cual fue trasmitida hace bastante tiempo por cartoon network.

Hoy en día yasha hime se ha convertido en una serie bastante reconocida ya que su anime fue bastante entretenido. Este cuenta la historia de las dos hijas de Sesshomaru el hermano del personaje principal de la anterior serie y la hija de Inuyasha quién fue el personaje principal de la serie ya nombrada. Las 3 princesas o jóvenes tienen una gema derivada de "la perla de shikon" la cual fue la piedra angular de Inuyasha ahora estás tres gemas serán lógicamente la piedra angular de esta serie, muchos demonios desean estas piedras para poder aumentar su nivel y las pequeñas mitad demonio que las poseen no saben utilizarlas para aumentar su fuerza, sino que simplemente las utilizan de manera natural como si fueran parte de su cuerpo.

Esta serie tendrá un montón de peleas entre demonios y las princesas demonio, tendrá grandes cantidades de actividades en donde veremos el crecimiento personal de los personajes y aunque sólo ha salido en latino la primera temporada promete ser una serie bastante larga por lo que es probable que se convierta en un shonen de una gran calidad y con mucha cantidad de fans.


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Hello, today I want to talk about Yashahime: half demon princess.


This series is the continuation of an old and classic anime series called Inuyasha which means demon dog which was broadcast a long time ago by the cartoon network.

Nowadays yasha hime has become a quite recognized series since her anime was quite entertaining. This tells the story of the two daughters of Sesshomaru, the brother of the main character of the previous series and the daughter of Inuyasha who was the main character of the series already named. The 3 princesses or young people have a gem derived from "the pearl of shikon" which was the cornerstone of Inuyasha now these three gems will logically be the cornerstone of this series, many demons want these stones to be able to increase their level and the small ones The half demon who possess them do not know how to use them to increase their strength, but simply use them naturally as if they were part of their body.

This series will have a lot of fights between demons and demon princesses, it will have large amounts of activities where we will see the personal growth of the characters and although it has only been released in Latin, the first season promises to be a fairly long series so it is likely that become a high quality shonen with a lot of fans.


If you liked this review or this criticism about anime, I recommend you enter my profile where you will see other similar reviews. Also if you have a series that you want me to see and can review, leave it in the comments, each comment on this blog will be rewarded with a token coin, call luv, I can only give it three times a day, so I'll give a token to each comment until I can't give my best for the day. Thank you very much in advance and I trust that you will vote positively so that I am inspired to create new blogs



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