My Splinterlands investing strategy in presale phase 2 - legendary gold foil check!


Staking SPS, buying Credits with SPS, earn Vouchers by staking SPS and then buy Packs with Vouchers or just HODL the latter token – the choice is yours and the choices are many.

Vel, there is much to think about in presale phase 2 of Splinterlands. I have given it a lot of thought and initially I thought I had a plan, but one factor has changed my choices drastically the last month and the result is that I will buy even more packs. The reason why will be presented in this post.


Firstly, I want to talk about SPS and the way I want to use it in phase 2. Initially I planned to just use every airdrop in phase 2 on credits because I really want to buy as much as I can in the final sale of Chaos legion. The reason is short; it’s the time when the packs become the cheapest (funny as presales tends to be cheaper) and there will be 12 more airdrops opportunities. However, that is not where I want to go “all inn” anymore. I will focus more on getting hold of as many Vouchers as possible. The reason is simple; The price has never been lower, and the airdrops cards have never been better. So, to summarize my SPS usage for this month I will spend 40% on building credits for final sale, 40% will be staked and 20% will go as an expense when buying packs with vouchers in phase 2. Diversify is key. I will also investigate the possibility to increase my DEC holdings so that I can get more SPS tokens and buy even more credits to use on packs in final sale.

Nevertheless, something strange has been getting my attention lately… It concerns the Vouchers; I do not understand why they have dropped significantly in price lately. I was thinking; did the Chaos legion cards not live up to our expectations? Did the old cards get much more valuable because of the new setup forcing us to buy more expensive cards? Are the new cards not that attractive for most of the investor? I keep asking these questions… But hey, 5 bucks that’s low when all time high has been almost 30 bucks (and that is only 1 month ago). We do not know that much more about the vouchers and their usage, right? We know more, I can tell, but then it is the price I can’t figure. We know that the use of Vouchers is the only way you are eligible for the airdrops and that should be taken into consideration when pricing the token. Just look at Mr. Blight. He is one though bad ass, and you need to pay over 100 bucks to get him in time of writing this post. Now I know people spent 25 vouchers and got 2 Mr. Blights. This is cards that you do not ever get unless your part of an airdrop. It is cards that will be in very high demand in the future when players start to HODL them! Due to the latter, I could understand the pricing of vouchers back in November hovering around 20-25 bucks, but I can’t understand the pricing now. 5 BUCKS! And now we are heading for TWO airdrop cards that could be just as good as Mr. Blight – the Voucher should have been priced at 50 bucks in my opinion ha-ha! But it is priced at 5 bucks. However, for an investor point of view that is great news for me! It made me change my investing strategy towards Splinterlands! I will buy as many vouchers as I can for HODL and for spending in order to get as many airdrop cards as possible before it’s to late. After all it is in the rarest cards the BIG money is hidden! Speaking of the rarest cards, look what I got in my “advent calendar” today (I am opening 1 pack each day towards Christmas, lol):

LEGIONNAIRE F****** ALVAR IN GOLD FOIL! Oh yeh! A hot shot! Lucky me! 😊


Investing strategy for presale phase 2


SPS Airdrop: Approx. 40% will be staked to get more vouchers and because I believe in the long-term value of Splinterlands. Approx. 40% will be set of to buying credits for the final sale (card airdrops for every 1M packs sold) and approx. 20% of the SPS airdrop will be used when buying packs with vouchers now in phase 2.


Building DEC: Going through all my cards to figure which one I want to sell in order to get more DEC. Also, I will start to convert 100 HIVE against DEC every month because DEC has also seen a 50% drop from the top and can now be bought very cheap (compared to ATH). There is also the possibility to buy credits with DEC. But the most important part is that you can buy every in-game NFT with DEC and with the price it is hoovering around now (0.007-0.008) it’s a robbery!


Vouchers: Rewards from Selling NFTs and earnings from post will go directly to buy vouchers. I will simply buy as many as I can, stacking them, to get the bonus packs. I was thinking around buying in stacks of 100, so I get those sweet 10 packs for free. I also need to take into account that I want to hold them for a long time since as the creators of Splinterlands earlier have been writing; there will be more use cases for Vouchers. This token is also the perfect Robin hood token – meaning it stops the possibility for whales in buying up all the packs! In that way we get equally chances in getting hold of them packs and I really like that mindset! Good job @Splinterlands!

Anyways, the most important part for buying vouchers; you do not know the airdrops and you do not know how many you will get, what you do know is that the cards will be rare and expensive. The second most important thing is that the price is super low, from 25 to 5 bucks in a month! I know my mission this month; Buy as many Vouchers as my pockets can bare!

This is just me; this is not a financial advice at all, I am not a financial advisor anymore and I have not done a thorough investigation of how these tokens should be priced. This is only my future thoughts and beliefs, and I am pretty much all the time very bull, so take that into account!

Look at the Voucher – it has been plunging from the start! You need Vouchers to get the rarest and most expensive cards, what do you think the price should be in time of writing!? [13.12.2021]


Stay tuned for my Splinterlands investing strategy for 2022! It is a bit conservative but patience serves the investor!



Gold foil Alvar. Congratulations. That's an awesome card. He's gonna be a menace against magic monsters.


Hah yes indeed! and the best part: His neutral, I can use him with any summoner I want! frigin awesome. I can tell, in combination with mylor and kron it is unstopable! Tested 7 matches in silver 2 now without any loss :P


I should have read the comments before posting my comment.


Did you really get a Gold Foil Legendary card? I have a friend and he has opened many packs and has yet to get one.


Hehe ye man, insane right?🤣🤙 Worth mention; I needed ti open 100 before that🤣👌


Nice, that would be so cool to open 100 packs. The Chaos Legion is my first booster pack experience. I am going to try to buy 200 packs for the next Booster Pack opportunity.
This year Chaos Legion caught me by surprise and during the holiday season to boot😉


Definitly mate, keep up! SL is still in its baby stage😎👌


Awesome!! Thank you for the encouragement 😀


Does sound like a plan, it all depends as most people are only seeing the short term with vouchers as they seeing they will only be used for phase 2 before the general sale, but they fail to see the use that these vouchers will have in the potential future and as we have seen with splinterlands assets is that when you can't get them, they go up in value quite a lot, Untamed for $100+ for example, so im holding SPS for all and anything else i can get :)


You are absolutely right! Good to see that others share this tought 👍 Lets get back to this post in a year shall we?😅 The voucher is killing whales, thats what makes it so rare, then get as many as possible lol!
