The Power Of Positive Thinking


We all have to change the way we think, it is the whole determine factor of where we go in life.

We are all where we're today, because we thought ourselves to this position, if you don't like the position you're in, think yourself out of it, It's as simple as that.

Our brains are divided into 2 halves positive and negative.

It's either you're thinking positive or you're thinking negative, there is no neutral ground.

You're the boss of yourself, you're in charge of the outcome of your own thinking. If you think negative you get negative outcome also if you think positive you get positive outcome.

It's even in the bible:

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7) KJV

Why you should stop thinking negative thoughts and start thinking positive thoughts: This is how it works, if you wake up in the morning thinking negative thoughts, the negative side of your brain is now active and it starts producing negative thoughts to match your thinking.

For example: as a crypto or forex trader if you come into the market with negative mindset, this is what happens you lose motivation, confidence within the market, your own strategies and trading plan because you all ready think today is going to be a bad day for you.

But you wake up in the morning thinking positive thoughts, the positive side of your brain is now active and it starts producing positive thoughts to match your thinking.

For example: Going into trading with positive mindset, will give us extra confidence and motivation within the market and your own strategies and trading plan.

Like what @jeffparajiujitsu said in his post Unleash the Beast:

You are your biggest rival.
By the moment you realize it,
You become a beast. ⚡

One of my mentors Steve Harvey always says, "when you change your attitude, you change your altitude". Positive attitude is the key to success.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Nice post, thanks for sharing.
I like the positive attitude thinking but also think it's important to set SMART goals in the first place.

Keep up with good posts like that.
