RE: Thoughts on dCrops Before ALPHA Packs are Gone


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Since you are one of the more reasonable people here - ok, works for me.
I still would like to point out that this whole thing you guys started is kinda fucked.
Downvoting before asking & just trusting a single dude (Kris) who doesn't like my stuff? Then asking in a very rude way? Just assume guilt?

I expect the removal of the downvotes of you guys after that. An apology wouldn't be the worst either.

Why do you assume I own more than one account? Never proved that one ;)
Funny story btw - the spam is just here to offset the downvote trolling from Kris / lately all of you guys.
So yeah, works for me - as long you guys leave me alone :)

@steevec - next, unreleased video is 6:32 long. See - you could have asked for the title of the next vid or something like that!

P.S.: If I may give you an advice how to handle this the next time; write a comment & ask the person to verify in a proper, civilized manner BEFORE downvoting. Explain why you want a verification & what you do here. Give multiple options to verify. And finally - for fucks sake don't act like you wanna scare everybody off this platform (unless this is your goal)...
