Yeah, if you never click, you will never know where the heck are you going to end up.

And through this extremely short and witty post you will only be three clicks away from knowing where the heck you are standing. Only to three clicks away.

Are you ready?

The map is pretty straightforward and easy to follow:

  1. First stop of the tour and mandatory click, on the image title below.
  2. Second stop and mandatory click, on the image itself.
  3. Third and last stop with its mandatory click, in the corollary below the image.

"Engelbert Humphrey Ruffleshire"


If you wait long enough to cook dinner, everyone will eat cereals. ¡Follow me for more recipes!

Alright, if you actually clicked three times along this post and continued clicking from there on, you're done. Hopefully now you can know where you are standing.

¡In case it wasn't clear!

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf

