The Phone Record



Special FBI agent Harvey tried to make himself comfortable as he waited for Inspector Cooper at his office. Harvey had come to see inspector Cooper concerning the murder of one of his officers Miss Wright.

Miss Wright had been investigating some dirty cops whom she believed were feeding informations to criminals to enable them avoid arrest. She was getting close to finding out who the dirty cop was when she got killed by a hit and run.

Two witnesses had stepped forward and testified that it was an ordinary hit and run, a testimony that had been accepted by everyone. But when Special Agent Harvey found out what Miss Wright had been working on, his instincts had told him to pursue the case a little further. So Harvey had tailed one of the witnesses for a week, after which he arrested the man and threatened to lock him up if he didn’t tell him what he wanted to hear.

Harvey had caught him purchasing hard drugs from one of the streets junkies and that was enough to hook him with.

“18 months to life in prison.” Harvey had told the man, though he made it clear that if he didn’t tell him what he wanted, then he surely would be looking at life in prison.

So the man had spilled everywhere. He told Harvey of how he had come back home that day, to see a stranger with a gun in his home. “The man had pictures of my parents and their home address, he had told me that he would be contacted later that day to do a job, I was to do as instructed with no questions asked or my parents would be killed.

Later that evening, I had received a call on my phone asking me to take a walk. I had walked for about twenty minutes when I saw the body of the dead lady.”

“Did you see who killed her?”

“No. She was already dead before I got there. The voice on the phone only instructed me to say that it was a hit and run and that I was present when it happened.”

Agent Harvey sighed. “How about the stranger that came to your house, can you describe him?”

“No I can’t. He had a hoodie on and was mostly in the dark side of the house. The only thing I have is the voice recording on my phone when I first got the call to take a walk.” The man said and immediately gave Harvey his phone when he asked for it.

Harvey had played that recording all through the night hoping that maybe he could get something from it but he ended up with nothing. So he decided to visit the station where Miss Wright worked, now that it was obvious that she wasn’t killed by a hit and run, maybe they could answer some questions that would help point in the right direction.

“I’m sorry for keeping you waiting.” A voice said behind Harvey as he quickly jumped on his feet.

“Oh my God, I’m sorry to startle you.” The man said. “I’m inspector Cooper, heard you wanted to talk about Miss Wright” Cooper said, but Harvey was deep lost in thoughts to even see the extended hand of Inspector Cooper waiting for a handshake.

Considering this was the first time Harvey was meeting with Inspector Cooper, something about his voice sounded so familiar, then he remembered, the phone record.

