The Wedding



Desmond continued pacing up and down his little apartment, he looked at the gun laying carelessly on his table, Desmond hoped that few hours from now when the news of the crime he was about to commit gets all over the place, that people would see things his ways.

Though he knew that would be almost impossible. People would call him names, a man who killed his wife and her pastor, a monster. But it wasn’t like he cared about what people would say, he won’t be here to listen to their curses, Desmond planned on doing to himself what he intended on doing to his wife and her pastor.

Few weeks ago, Desmond had been an ordinary business man trying to make ends meet for himself and his wife. He was doing all he could which included working extra hours just to make sure they lacked nothing but even with the extra hours included, he still was making little to nothing.

Desmonds wife Lisa, on the other hand frequented the church. She was a full time housewife who often visited the church to pray for herself and her husband, or at least that was what Desmond thought.

Until about a week ago when Lisa started coming home late from the church. At first Desmond didn’t say anything about it until one night when she had stayed out late till midnight. Desmond had asked her where she was coming from, which she had responded that she was coming from the church. But Desmond wouldn’t have any of that, he knew his wife like the back of his palm, he knew when she was lying and he could bet his balls that Lisa was telling a blatant lie.

The whole thing had led to a huge argument that night and the next morning, Lisa had left the house without saying a word to her husband and never returned. Desmond searched for her everywhere, he went to the church, to her friends, all to no avail. The next time Desmond saw his wife was a month later, in a wedding poster. Lisa was getting married to the pastor, the pastor of the same church she frequented to say her prayers.

The thought of the whole thing made Desmond furious and he had gotten a gun from one of the thugs in his street.

He looked at the loaded pistol one last time before picking it up. Today was the day of the wedding, but the only thing happening today would be the burial of three people, that of his wife, the pastor and his.

