Are our children driving us crazy?

In my country there is a saying that goes around the generations "small children - small problems, big children - big problems". A year ago I didn't think it was true, but life changes and so do our children. Up until a year ago my son was..a flower to smell (he wasn't perfect, but somehow we managed to get along). But once he turned 2 everything changed. Showed his character, showed his strength and preferences. He turned 3 a few days ago - I'm probably in for more weird and difficult situations with him!

As a mother, I know all too well the difficulties of raising a child and the lack of sleep that is often associated with it. Being a mother can be extremely exhausting work - from worrying about their safety, their physical and mental health to chronic sleep deprivation. Children require our constant attention and can be quite cranky. They refuse to eat a varied diet, disagree with rules and protest when it's time to go to bed. So, are our children driving us crazy? The answer is yes, but there are ways to deal with the challenges of parenting.

Many times I find myself wondering what to do about it! Kids are so fickle and can be so unpredictable when it comes to their behavior. Even if I tell him to do the simplest tasks, he protests and doesn't listen to me. Despite all this he remains endlessly kind, sincere and sweet and I always find it in my heart to forgive and forget.

It's hard, I can't always be all smiles and so hastily do something to surprise everyone at home with. I try, fail and try again hoping that better days are coming.

As parents, it is natural to experience moments of frustration and confusion when it comes to our children. However, it is important to remember that children will remain children and trying to control them can often lead to further problems. We need to focus on providing them with love and support, while reminding them of the importance of a balanced lifestyle that includes a varied diet and following certain rules. Through kindness and patience, we can help nurture our children in their formative years and ensure that they develop into healthy and responsible adults.

We will survive!

I believe we will survive!


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Thank you for reading and have a gorgeous day!
