Caterpillar Macro Photography


Hello ASEAN friends.

How are you today, I wish you all good and healthy. Alright friends, this time I share some pictures that I have prepared. Today I have prepared some pictures in the form of a caterpillar, this animal I found in the leaves in one of the small forests close to the road. These caterpillars are black in size and slightly larger than ordinary caterpillars. I am very interested in the color of this caterpillar because it has a motif on the caterpillar's body, indeed if we look at these caterpillars they have a lot of black color then there are several motifs in that color that makes them very beautiful when we see them.

Actually, when I saw the snakes it was a bit ticklish, for some reason when I saw them I was a little scared to hold them, but these caterpillars are not too dangerous compared to the other types of veins which have very itchy hairs when touched by them. The caterpillars I share have no feathers but I also don't dare to hold them. At that time I was walking and then I saw on the leaves on the side of the road a caterpillar walking on the leaves then I stopped to get some pictures of it. I'm still as usual when there are animals or beautiful places I immediately take the opportunity to be able to get pictures of them. I photographed this caterpillar using my smartphone which I have attached a glass lens on the back of the camera so that this caterpillar is clearly visible when we see it. All right, friends, let's see below some of the caterpillars that are walking on the leaves on the side of the road that I have passed.










Maybe that's all I can share with ASEAN friends so that ASEAN friends can be entertained by the caterpillars that I share. Sorry if there are wrong words because I translated it into English via Google. Thanks.
