RE: On Spirituality - A Bloke's Take - Natural Medicine Challenge


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Interesting take on the whole mysterious conundrum of spirit, soul and how we are both part of the universe being created, while interacting with it as a seemingly separate process. I like the orange metaphor, and it works well as an eidetic device to show that paradox I mentioned above.

I've had plenty of déja-vus and my friends and family have talked about apparitions soon after loved ones have passed.

Your story resonated with me. I have had similar experiences in my teenage years, in fact more than I can remember, for a while my family thought I was going mad because of the amount of déja-vu experiences I was reporting... but they got less as I got older. It is always interesting to hear other peoples stories of these experiences, and to an extent it makes me feel less sheepish about believing in the ones I had myself.

I see those seemingly inexplicable strong déja-vus where a future event happens in a dream, or waking vision as kind of like echoes resonating between alternative realities. If you subscribe to the many universe theory, it only makes sense to me that time wouldn't flow in a linear way from one dimension to another. I also think that as we create a vast part of our reality through thought, and identification with thought, that often profound spiritual events happen at times when we shut down our thoughts and catch a glimpse of the universe beyond the veil of thought, beyond what we make it through naming, thinking and personal interpretation.

It is surprising how much of modern day theoretical physics supports spiritual ideas.


Thanks for reading and sharing your experiences too Rowan!

I was pretty skeptical of the multiverse theory at first as it just sounded like something out of a fantasy but fast forward 15 years, many deja vus and other experiences (not just my own) and you can't help but feel there's something more going on and the multiverse theory starts making sense when you dig deep!

The future echoes and non linear time is a nice, poetic extension to my bowl of oranges analogy and I believe that science, religion, spirituality etc at their core have the same foundation but it's just using a different language to portray it. Of course, you still have some absolute "bread and butters" in each camp 😂
