Book Review: Elements of Human Capital Management


When I wake up from bed, the first thing that comes to mind is when I was in college, the activities I went through, my whole school life and then this book came to mind, Elements of human capital management. , as a business administration and management students, our field of study focuses more on the human capital, I remember back then how I loved this course and thinking about it more, it seems to me that I have forgotten more of the contents of this book so i had to read this book again, in reading there is this technique that they told me that if you use it nothing will make you forget what you have read, the technique was SQR3 (Survey, Question, Read, Recall And Review) so today I use this simple technique to have this library in my long-term memory.

The book: Elements of Human Capital Management was written by so many authors including: M.I. Unuoha, C.N. Ukandu, U.E.Ikoro, U.B. Ohajianya, and N. O. Emelike, these authors, where all professors in the department of management sciences, the book focuses on how the organization should manage its employees well to make them happy and to give their best in their work and in the organization in general, many methods were described in the books on how to manage an employee, including paying wages and salaries when due, job rotation, effective conflict management if it arises between employees, clear job descriptions, etc.

Among others, it also talked about the best people to employ in an organization, from what I was able to learn, as an employer, to employ workers within the organization safe time and it is not expensive, now this method is done through the job rotation, but the employer can also hire workers outside the organization, so the advantage of hiring someone outside the organization is that the person who enters brings new knowledge and that would mainly help in achieving the general objectives, but the disadvantage here is that the employer has to take the time to give him/her what is called, On the Job Training, a process that is carried out so that the worker is familiar with his/her work environment, workplace and job description.

It's also talks about safety and security at work and these two were mentioned very important in the life of an employee, by safety at work we mean making sure an employee is safe when he/she is at it job position, example may be providing safety materials such as fire extinguisher in case a fire breaks out and making sure there is a favorable work environment for the employee, observing the heat in the office so that the heat is not a distraction for the employee to not give their best at work, for safety means that an employer makes sure that each employee is safe outside of their work station, such as that the organization has a safe relaxation center for all employees and material there safely stored for their use.

Finally, the book has something to say about remuneration, by remuneration we understand wages, salaries and other infringe benefits, workers must be paid when due to keep them active and enjoy their work, other infringe benefits are those benefits to be paid to encourage workers that they are doing well, for example, appreciating someone makes the person happy and doing more than is required, when a worker go for a submit outside the organization, him/her did it for the benefits of the organization and in return, the organization should pay them some funds, to let them know that everyone appreciates their presence outside there for everyone.

This is one of the best books that talks about all the methods used to effectively manage an employee happily. Thank you very much for your time and have a great day ahead.


Oh, it's interesting where one can find some very important information.

Sounds like a great book.

I like the SQR3 technique. It's one I'd like to adopt


The SQR3 technique is helpful, I make use of it till today, the book helps a lot in managing of resources and to keep everything in check in an office. Thank you so much for your comments @stevenson7, do have a wonderful day ahead.


You too mate.

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