Cine TV Contest #34 - Favorite Television Comedy - The office



This is the movie that shows how the workers at the Scranton, Pennsylvania branch of the Paper Company coexist with each other, some of the workers lived a selfish lifestyle, which makes their work life not very related to each other and in the extent to which it affects the overall objective of the organization.
when i first heard this word sitcom my mind was on nothing but the office movie, by the time i was watching this tv series i guess to some extent i wasn't watching anything funny here but it makes me sad why should Company workers tend to use selfish esteem while neglecting their duty.

The relationship of the workers with one another has great importance, when we do something in an agreement it helps us a lot and takes the pressure off, this movie has a work environment that would make you laugh out loud, in such a way that the boss in the offices could hardly coexist with those of their workers in a good way to achieve the expected result as it should be.

They make their office life difficult to explain, it makes no sense that people live above themselves and then forget what to do when the time comes, the workers talk a lot and that sometimes makes me feel bad for the whole work scenario, I was no longer interested and just at that moment, I thought that I should see it another time.

The movie characters, let's talk about the comedy film characters, the office is my best, do you know why it's the best, the reasons are because they used the simple work environment in the film and they were able to make the film in a way that they appeal In the minds of their viewers, I see that the characters are performing so nice and I like it, just like me, it's uncomfortable to see life in the office, when they don't take anything seriously and do what they like. yet their acts was so good.

It is true that this method of operations that they show was also what made me sit up and think what the hell is going on here, in a movie, the first thing is to be able to make the viewers think and the second is to try to send an information, it does not matter if they like it at first, but as time goes by, the viewers will try to get along with the message.
Lastly,Comedy movies are very funny just like this one, it leaves our minds at ease with good humor while we continue to smile more and more without worries.
