Gideon _The Last Son Of Pentictost //Fiction [Eng -Esp]

As the Invaders was about to invaded the emperor's palace, Gideon at that time told his mother that he wanted to pee, he was in the bathroom and heard how the invaders slid swords through the chest of his father, mother and brothers, he was terrified and he fainted there in the bathroom, when the Invaders finished with their mission, they made sure to erase all traces of them entering the palace, so that no one would ever find out about them.

ELG21 at pixabay

Two hours have passed and Gidoen was awake, he tried to look outside, only to see plates full of blood in the dining room, he was amazed "how this could happen to his family, if his father has ever offended anyone in the city?, but Pentictost, his father, was a kind man who never tried to bother his people, he ruled his people with love and the utmost sincerity, however, I wonder why good people like him could also have enemies, it was Nnafo who planned the attack on the emperor's palace.

Gideon, out of fear, tried to look outside only to see all the guards lying helplessly on the ground, some injured while others had fainted, he gently closed the door, because at this point, he didn't know who to trust or who was planning the attack on his family.

He went back inside and in the morning, Nnafo came to the palace and shouted for everyone in the city to come out and witness what he saw, he mentioned that the emperor was an evil man, that's why his enemies have come to kill him in the same way that he had offended them, but he was wrong in his statement because Pentictost was never a bad emperor.

Gideon hearing what he told the people and how Nnafo had flame his family, he sneaked out of the palace through the back window into the woods, he was terrified and ran in a rush and entered a cave, immediately he entered, the cave closed itself, at this point, the ancestors were taking care of him and they didn't want anything bad to happen to him.

Nnafo said that he would be the next emperor, that his family was supposed to sit on the throne and not just any man like Pentictost, who he doesn't know how he was here as emperor. The life of Nnafo's emperor begins, one day he was having dinner with his family and a woman with a baby appeared before him, he got scared and got up from his seat, his wife asked him, what's wrong but he replied it's nothing, then he insisted that he only lost his appetite to eat.

In the night, he had a dream in which a man was coming after the throne, he woke up immediately and felt exhausted, what Nnafo did not know was that Gideon, the last son of Pentictost, was among his servants in the palace, Gidoen has endured this pain in his heart for a while longer than necessary and he was not ready to bear it anymore, he had to take revenge on the man who killed his father, mother and his beloved brothers, he had to poison the emperor's food, Nnafo was also a sensible man on that particular day, he refused to eat the food served to him by his maid, instead insisting that the maid who brought the food should taste it before he could eat it.

Gidoen was called to taste the food but he couldn't because he knew what he had done to the food, then Nnafo said he wouldn't eat it and then order Gidoen to be take him to the lions den, to be killed in two days time by trying to kill his emperor, but before two days, Gideon managed to escape from the house of the Lions without the guards noticing.

One night, while the emperor was sleeping, he slipped into his house through the window and landed his knife on his chest to take revenge, he spared the wife and children, in the morning, it was something that everyone had to talk about all day, "how is it even that possible their emperor is death and what exactly kill him", because it was not until five years that the town have already lost two sitting emperors.

The elders have to get up to make finds, they seek the knowledge of a wizard who told them "it is blood for blood", none of them understand his language, so the wizard asks for another silver before he can continue with his story, Since they didn't give him money, a man brought out his hands for him to leaked it and then he opened up the whole story.

He tells them about the last survivor of their emperor Pentictost whom the enemy killed and took the throne, Gidoen was seen holding a white towel in the palace about to hand it over, an old man called him and told him his identity, he wanted to run but Robinus told him that he meant no harm.

The elders met him and told him that they were aware of his actions in the palace, Gidoen told them what they assumed to be true, that he couldn't live with it anymore, he had endured enough pain, each and every day he hardly slept. knowing that the man who killed his father, mother and brothers is alive, so he had to take revenge.

The men of the town found out about the evil that Nnafo did to the Pentictost family, Gideon took the throne, he was the youngest emperor in the history of the land, he was powerful but charming like his father.

The End


Cuando los invasores estaban a punto de invadir el palacio del emperador, Gedeón en ese momento le dijo a su madre que quería orinar, estaba en el baño y escuchó como los invasores deslizaban espadas por el pecho de su padre, madre y hermanos, estaba aterrorizado. y se desmayó allí en el baño, cuando los Invasores terminaron con su misión, se aseguraron de borrar todo rastro de su entrada al palacio, para que nadie supiera de ellos.

ELG21 en pixabay

Pasaron dos horas y Gidoen estaba despierto, trató de mirar hacia afuera, solo para ver platos llenos de sangre en el comedor, se asombró "¿cómo le pudo pasar esto a su familia, si su padre alguna vez ha ofendido a alguien en la ciudad? , pero Pentictost, su padre, era un hombre amable que nunca trató de molestar a su gente, gobernó a su gente con amor y la mayor sinceridad, sin embargo, me pregunto por qué la gente buena como él también podía tener enemigos, fue Nnafo quien planeó el ataque al palacio del emperador.

Gideon, por miedo, trató de mirar hacia afuera solo para ver a todos los guardias tirados en el suelo sin poder hacer nada, algunos heridos mientras que otros se habían desmayado, cerró suavemente la puerta, porque en este punto, no sabía en quién confiar o quién. estaba planeando el ataque a su familia.

Volvió a entrar y por la mañana, Nnafo llegó al palacio y gritó a todos en la ciudad que salieran y presenciaran lo que veía, mencionó que el emperador era un hombre malvado, por eso sus enemigos han venido a matarlo en de la misma manera que los había ofendido, pero se equivocó en su afirmación porque Pentictost nunca fue un mal emperador.

Gideon escuchó lo que le dijo a la gente y cómo Nnafo había quemado a su familia, se escapó del palacio por la ventana trasera hacia el bosque, estaba aterrorizado y corrió a toda prisa y entró en una cueva, inmediatamente entró, la cueva se cerró sola , en este punto, los ancestros lo estaban cuidando y no querían que le pasara nada malo.

Nnafo dijo que él sería el próximo emperador, que se suponía que su familia se sentaría en el trono y no cualquier hombre como Pentictost, a quien no sabe cómo estaba aquí como emperador. Comienza la vida del emperador de Nnafo, un día estaba cenando con su familia y se le apareció una mujer con un bebé, se asustó y se levantó de su asiento, su esposa le preguntó que le pasa pero él respondió que no es nada, entonces insistió en que solo perdió el apetito para comer.

En la noche, tuvo un sueño en el que un hombre venía tras el trono, se despertó de inmediato y se sintió exhausto, lo que Nnafo no sabía era que Gideon, el último hijo de Pentictost, estaba entre sus sirvientes en el palacio, Gidoen ha soportado este dolor en su corazón por un tiempo más de lo necesario y no estaba listo para soportarlo más, tuvo que vengarse del hombre que mató a su padre, madre y sus amados hermanos, tuvo que envenenar la comida del emperador, Nnafo también era un hombre sensato en ese día en particular, se negó a comer la comida que le servía su criada, insistiendo en cambio en que la criada que trajo la comida debería probarla antes de que él pudiera comerla.

Gidoen fue llamado para probar la comida, pero no pudo porque sabía lo que le había hecho a la comida, luego Nnafo dijo que no la comería y luego le ordenó a Gidoen que lo llevara a la guarida de los leones, para que lo mataran en dos. días tratando de matar a su emperador, pero antes de dos días, Gedeón logró escapar de la casa de los Leones sin que los guardias se dieran cuenta.

Una noche, mientras el emperador dormía, se coló en su casa por la ventana y aterrizó su cuchillo en el pecho para vengarse, perdonó a la esposa y a los niños, en la mañana, era algo de lo que todos tenían que hablar todo el día. , "¿cómo es posible que su emperador esté muerto y qué exactamente lo mate?", porque no fue hasta cinco años que la ciudad ya perdió a dos emperadores en funciones.

Los ancianos tienen que levantarse para hacer hallazgos, buscan el conocimiento de un mago que les dijo "es sangre por sangre", ninguno de ellos entiende su idioma, por lo que el mago pide otra plata antes de poder continuar con su historia. Como no le dieron dinero, un hombre le sacó las manos para que lo filtrara y luego abrió toda la historia.

Les cuenta sobre el último sobreviviente de su emperador Pentictost a quien el enemigo mató y tomó el trono, se vio a Gidoen sosteniendo una toalla blanca en el palacio a punto de entregarla, un anciano lo llamó y le dijo su identidad, quería correr, pero Robinus le dijo que no quería hacer daño.

Los ancianos se encontraron con él y le dijeron que estaban al tanto de sus acciones en el palacio, Gidoen les dijo lo que asumieron que era cierto, que ya no podía vivir con eso, había soportado suficiente dolor, todos y cada uno de los días apenas podía dormido. sabiendo que el hombre que mató a hes padre, madre y hermanos está vivo, por lo que tuvo que vengarse.

Los hombres del pueblo se enteraron del mal que Nnafo le hizo a la familia Pentictost, Gedeón tomó el trono, era el emperador más joven en la historia de la tierra, era poderoso pero encantador como su padre.

El fin.


very beautiful..
Where is this beautiful building?


Got the image from pixabay bro, thank you for coming around today 🤗


is it an app ?
you're wellcome buddy🤗


No, a free source image site, where you can download and use image on your blog post.
