The Great Wall // story of demons that torment the city [Eng - Esp]

Lukas went to great lengths to protect the people of his city, he was forced to do some unnecessary things which he then gave it all back in the name of protecting his people, his kingdom was made of walls that no demon can pass through, but as times goes on, the city could still face some unbearable demonic challenges that leave the king in doubt.

He was willing to sacrifice thousands of goats and cows to reinforce the protection of his lands from demons, the day he was going to continue with the peace offering, he heard a voice telling him "instead of making this sacrifice, why can't he built a fence around his city first then others things shall follow". Lukas replied, "For a long time, I had been seeking such advice, from my ancestors, why are they telling me what to do now? He is ready to do yet." the sacrifice.

But he thanked his ancestors because it was still a relief for him and all the goats and cows were taken away, in the next two days, the city walls were built, Lukas and his people in the city could no longer fear, the only problem now was when his people want to go to the market and this was the reason why he had to build a market inside his city so that his people would not visit the outside world that is so dangerous for their life.

They lived with love and happiness for more than twenty years, but with the passage of time things got out of hand, one morning, the city wall was seen falling, no one knew what really happened, why the city wall was destroyed or who really destroyed it, then it was not long, the news reaches King Lukas that a family was killed last night and the faces of the victims could not be identified, as the demons turned their body to ashes.

Lukas felt bad for losing another family in his kingdom, he thought that by having the city wall built, which was the advice of his ancestors, everything was done but it was not, since the part that carries the peace offering was lost, because celebration makes the gods happy. Since the day he built the city wall, he relaxed his mind without knowing that the demons his father brought to the land never succumbed to torment their life.

One morning, when the sun brought the brightness of the day, King Lukas was still in his Majesty's king-size bed, a bird flying at his window, with a wrapped letter in it mouth, making a two-beat noise and throw it there, Lukas gets up and picks the letter up, it was a message from a witch, who tells him the things she must do so that his city will be at peace again forever.

He was going to meet her alone, in the forest where no one could see him, Lukas went there, she asked him to bathe naked in the forest, then she told Lukas that the demons that disturb his land are the people that his father killed by mistake. when he was king, now they have come to take revenge on the city, Lukas knows that his father was an authoritarian king but he did not want to suffer for what he did not commit and see his people die every day broke his heart.

So the witch gave him a task where he ordered all the people who were wrongly judged at the hands of his father to appear, the enchantment was done at midnight and at exactly twelve o'clock all the demons appear trying to fight Lukas where the witch keep them quiet and rather make them see him as a good man, she frees their souls from endless suffering and make them see the city wall and everything that belongs to the city as good people.

In return, the witch asked Lukas to kill her because she had lived a thousand years on earth, she begged him to kill her, Lukas said, "No, he would not take blood on his hands, and the witch replied, "If you can't Do it.” Then I would have no choice but to revert the demons to the city wall, Lukas grabbed the knife and pierced it through her heart.

He became the slayer of witches, with blood stains on his hands, but his city was free again with no demons to torment their souls.

Image by Waldkunst at pixabay


Lukas hizo todo lo posible para proteger a la gente de su ciudad, se vio obligado a hacer algunas cosas innecesarias que luego devolvió todo en nombre de proteger a su gente, su reino estaba hecho de paredes que ningún demonio puede atravesar, pero a medida que pasa el tiempo, la ciudad aún podría enfrentar algunos desafíos demoníacos insoportables que dejan al rey en duda.

Estaba dispuesto a sacrificar miles de cabras y vacas para reforzar la protección de sus tierras de los demonios, el día que iba a continuar con la ofrenda de paz, escuchó una voz que le decía "en lugar de hacer este sacrificio, ¿por qué no puede construyó una valla alrededor de su ciudad primero, luego seguirán otras cosas". Lukas respondió: "Durante mucho tiempo, había estado buscando ese consejo de mis antepasados, ¿por qué me dicen qué hacer ahora? Él ya está listo para hacerlo". el sacrificio.

Pero agradeció a sus antepasados ​​porque todavía era un alivio para él y se llevaron todas las cabras y vacas, en los siguientes dos días se construyeron las murallas de la ciudad, Lukas y su gente en la ciudad ya no podían temer, el único problema. ahora era cuando su gente quería ir al mercado y esta fue la razón por la que tuvo que construir un mercado dentro de su ciudad para que su gente no visitara el mundo exterior que es tan peligroso para su vida.

Vivieron con amor y felicidad por más de veinte años, pero con el paso del tiempo las cosas se les fueron de las manos, una mañana se vio caer la muralla de la ciudad, nadie supo que pasó realmente, porque la muralla de la ciudad fue destruida o quien realmente lo destruyó, luego no pasó mucho tiempo, la noticia llega al rey Lukas de que una familia fue asesinada anoche y los rostros de las víctimas no pudieron ser identificados, ya que los demonios convirtieron su cuerpo en cenizas.

Lukas se sintió mal por perder otra familia en su reino, pensó que al hacer construir la muralla de la ciudad, que era el consejo de sus antepasados, todo estaba hecho pero no fue así, ya que se perdió la parte que lleva la ofrenda de paz, porque la celebración hace felices a los dioses. Desde el día en que construyó la muralla de la ciudad, relajó su mente sin saber que los demonios que su padre trajo a la tierra nunca sucumbieron para atormentar su vida.

Una mañana, cuando el sol traía el brillo del día, el Rey Lukas todavía estaba en la cama tamaño king de Su Majestad, un pájaro volaba en su ventana, con una carta envuelta en la boca, haciendo un ruido de dos tiempos y tirándola allí. , Lukas se levanta y toma la carta, era un mensaje de una bruja, quien le dice las cosas que debe hacer para que su ciudad vuelva a estar en paz para siempre.

Iba a encontrarse con ella solo, en el bosque donde nadie podía verlo, Lukas fue allí, ella le pidió que se bañara desnudo en el bosque, luego le dijo a Lukas que los demonios que perturban su tierra son las personas que mató su padre. por error. cuando era rey, ahora han venido a vengarse de la ciudad, Lukas sabe que su padre era un rey autoritario pero no quería sufrir por lo que no cometió y ver morir a su gente todos los días le partía el corazón.

Así que la bruja le encomendó una tarea donde ordenaba que aparecieran todas las personas que fueron juzgadas injustamente a manos de su padre, el encantamiento se hizo a la media noche y exactamente a las doce en punto aparecen todos los demonios tratando de luchar contra Lukas donde la bruja mantenlos callados y más bien haz que lo vean como un buen hombre, ella libera sus almas de un sufrimiento sin fin y haz que vean la muralla de la ciudad y todo lo que pertenece a la ciudad como buena gente.

A cambio, la bruja le pidió a Lukas que la matara porque ella había vivido mil años en la tierra, ella le rogó que la matara, Lukas dijo: "No, él no tomaría sangre en sus manos, y la bruja respondió: "Si no puedo hacerlo.” Entonces no tendría más remedio que revertir a los demonios a la muralla de la ciudad, Lukas agarró el cuchillo y le atravesó el corazón.

Se convirtió en el asesino de brujas, con manchas de sangre en sus manos, pero su ciudad volvió a ser libre sin demonios que atormentaran sus almas.

Imagen de Waldkunst en pixabay


A good king Lukas is and he was happy to do all that will keep the villagers happy. He is a kind man.

Waltzed in through dreemport.


This story was an interesting read and also emotional as well. The witch was also not a good person so she had to die as well. I'm impressed she used her powers to rescue the king and his kingdom as well.

The end was really so unexpected though, it shows how thoughtful you are.

Dreemport brought me here to read such a beautiful story, thank you for sharing this with us here.


Wow! @hopestylist as always, I am thrilled by your word, such a nice comment.
Do have a lovely day ahead. 🤗🤗


I'm so glad you do, it's always my pleasure 🥰.

You too, have a lovely day ahead.


Fascinating story @repayme4568, nice little twist at the end!
Well constructed and articulated. Good job!
This post was obtained through Dreemport.


Thank you so much @jamerussell for your kind comments, i am pleased to hear that🤗.
Have a great day ahead.
