The Horror writer/ Hive bookclub writing contest [Eng-Esp]


voltamax at pixabay

I am a lover of fiction and this has made me travel to unknown places that I have never been before, would i say that sometimes I get lost in those fictional writings, does fictional writing create something like insomnia in me, but one can never stop believing that this act of writing is so entertaining, like it makes me laugh, most of the time I learned a great lesson from this act and what genres we are talking about here, fiction.

let me say, @susurrodmisterio has made me explore the world through him, the world he lives in is where I am and I received this invitation through his post and most of the way he portrays his writing, his fictional writing sometimes seems so strange, as if you are in a travel machine, that the wheels keep rolling and you lose control because the brake has fallen off.

The first day I read his post, I was a little tired and already wanted to quit, but I recovered and discovered the words and angles from which he speaks, when I got the idea, I began to see the welcome doors open for me and I smile because it was more than I could ever imagine, yes, at this point, if I must say that it was so entertaining, I think that would be an understatement, because it was so good that I feel alive through it. which was what I needed to feed my mind at that moment.

His blog most of the time is where I get most of the messages, gist and ideas of creative works, mostly these days I don't watch any horror movies anymore because @susurrodmisterio has many horror writing that can make you feel like you are watching a movie, I mainly feed my mind on his writing, do you know that kind of moment?, you like to cry for a protagonist? for the experience you see the protagonist go through? his piece is an example of where you would had this experience.

Simplicity in ambiguity, @susurrodmisterio has always made me feel simple in the broadest way, how could he do this? It's by twisting the fictitious writing in such a way that I won't understand it right at first. instance, but I'll have to read it and read it again to get the actual message he sends.

I see life through his Writing, when he portrays those horrors in his Writing, I tend to see how the whole behavior of life can be seen and turned on those contents that he shared, I remember one of his writing when he talks about a man who travel to the infernal, you know, in this piece, I really feel bad for the young man and I thought a lot about what really would take him there, what did he want to find out that he shouldn't have done elsewhere or what made him uneasy that pushed him to go to the death end.

@susurrodmisterio has made me see nothing more than a video in his Writing, those words of his writing came to me like a television screen where I would have to see the whole world right in front of me and where all my intentions are focused to get everything I have always wanted to see in a clearer picture.

Would i say have forgotten the entertaining aspect? No, these days, I have no rhythm than any other when his post is not included, to be in favorite position, his blog is where I will sleep and wake up, hehehe...

Powerful I can feel the power in his writing and how important it is for me to get more ideas from him, there was a time I had to make challenging comments on his post I guess I was really trying to look at him to see what would be his consent, when I ask, "how did he feel about the protagonist of the piece, if you think what happened to the protagonist is right?"

@susurrodmisterio made me understand that no one deserves to be punished for coming up with new ideas and this alone was all the answer I needed to hear and from there, a bigger picture was made that I couldn't have seen it alone on my own.

This is my entry in the hivebookclub writing contest, I invite @hopestylist and @dwixer to join this fun initiative. Thank you.


voltamax en pixabay

Soy un amante de la ficción y esto me ha hecho viajar a lugares desconocidos en los que nunca antes había estado, diría que a veces me pierdo en esos escritos de ficción, ¿la escritura de ficción me crea algo como el insomnio, pero uno nunca puede parar? . creyendo que este acto de escribir es tan entretenido, como que me hace reír, la mayoría de las veces aprendí una gran lección de este acto y de qué géneros estamos hablando aquí, ficción.

déjame decirte, @susurrodmisterio me ha hecho explorar el mundo a través de él, el mundo en el que vive es donde estoy y recibí esta invitación a través de su publicación y la mayor parte de la forma en que retrata su escritura, su escritura ficticia a veces parece tan extraña , como si estuvieras en una máquina de viaje, que las ruedas siguen rodando y pierdes el control porque se te ha caído el freno.

El primer día que leí su post, estaba un poco cansada y ya quería dejarlo, pero me recuperé y descubrí las palabras y los ángulos desde los que habla, cuando tuve la idea, comencé a ver las puertas de bienvenida abiertas para mí y Sonrío porque fue más de lo que podría imaginar, sí, en este punto, si debo decir que fue tan entretenido, creo que sería un eufemismo, porque fue tan bueno que me siento vivo a través de él. que era lo que necesitaba para alimentar mi mente en ese momento.

Su blog la mayor parte del tiempo es donde obtengo la mayoría de los mensajes, la esencia y las ideas de los trabajos creativos, en su mayoría en estos días ya no veo ninguna película de terror porque @susurrodmisterio tiene muchos escritos de terror que pueden hacerte sentir como si estuvieras viendo una película, principalmente alimento mi mente con su escritura, ¿conoces ese tipo de momento?, ¿te gusta llorar por un protagonista? por la experiencia que ves pasar al protagonista? Su pieza es un ejemplo de dónde tendrías esta experiencia.

Simplicidad en la ambigüedad, @susurrodmisterio siempre me ha hecho sentir simple de la manera más amplia, ¿cómo pudo hacer esto? Es torciendo la escritura ficticia de tal manera que no la entenderé bien al principio. ejemplo, pero tendré que leerlo y volver a leerlo para obtener el mensaje real que envía.

Veo la vida a través de su Escritura, cuando retrata esos horrores en su Escritura, tiendo a ver como se puede ver todo el comportamiento de la vida y girar sobre esos contenidos que compartió, recuerdo uno de sus escritos cuando habla de un hombre que viajan al infernal, sabes, en esta pieza, realmente me siento mal por los jóvenes El hombre y yo pensamos mucho sobre lo que realmente lo llevaría allí, qué quería descubrir que no debería haber hecho en otro lugar o qué lo inquietó que lo empujó a ir al final.

@susurrodmisterio me ha hecho ver nada más que un video en su Escrito, esas palabras de su escrito me llegaron como una pantalla de televisión donde tendría que ver el mundo entero justo frente a mí y donde todas mis intenciones están enfocados para obtener todo lo que siempre he querido ver en una imagen más clara.

¿Diría que he olvidado el aspecto entretenido? No, estos dias no tengo ritmo mas que cualquier otro cuando no se incluye su post, para estar en posicion favorita, su blog es donde dormire y despertare, jejeje...

Poderoso Puedo sentir el poder en su escritura y lo importante que es para mí obtener más ideas de él. Hubo un momento en que tuve que hacer comentarios desafiantes en su publicación. Supongo que realmente estaba tratando de mirarlo. a ver cuál sería su consentimiento, cuando le pregunto, "¿cómo se sintió con el protagonista de la pieza, si crees que lo que le pasó al protagonista es correcto?"

@susurrodmisterio me hizo entender que nadie merece ser castigado por tener nuevas ideas y esta sola fue toda la respuesta que necesitaba escuchar y a partir de ahí, se hizo una imagen más grande que no podría haber visto por mi cuenta. .

Esta es mi participación en el concurso de escritura hivebookclub , invito a @hopestylist y @dwixer a unirse a esta divertida iniciativa. Gracias.


Thank you so much for the invitation. It's very obvious that @susurrodmisterio must be a really good fiction writer and it's really surprising how good he is at it.

I really hope to be good at writing fiction stories too and I think I'd have to drop by to say hello 😊😊.


Wow! 🤗 @hopestylist thank you for coming on board, I can't wait to read more of your fictions story's too, it is nice having you here and knowing that you have accepted the invitation, Thank you. 🥰


It's my pleasure Sir but please oo, I've not yet accepted the invitation oo, I only said thank you and that I will go and learn from the guru you mentioned, that's all oo 😩.

You are welcome 😪🙂😇


heheheh..... All the best, Cheers 🥂🥂 to a brighter future 🤗


Got intrigue with your favorite author so I checked. He/she was indeed good.


Thank you for reaching out and do have a lovely day ahead 🥰


Ohh, wow, what a great honor, I am so grateful that you chose me as your favorite author, I feel very grateful that you like my stories, and they serve as inspiration to develop your own creativity. Thank you very much for that. Best regards.


Thanks a lot for the mention. I appreciate


You are welcome bro 🤗
I am happy that you like it.


Lol,. You're welcome at all time to nominate me


Thank you so much bro, I am happy to hear this 🤗


I know this author from a distance... I always see her fiction stories but never tried to read because I was mostly in a hurry to do something else 😅 so she writes horror stories? I'm falling for this temptation.

I wish to learn how to write horror stories, maybe reading from her could help.

You do have a nice pick here @repayme4568 and I hope you do know you're another good fiction writer 😍
Well done and keep it up.


Wow! @merit.ahama your comment is so good, it makes me want to fly in the sky like a bird, oh! I love to hear that 🤗

Thank you...... for your your kind words.


I don't know your selected user but I believe he must be that good with the vivid description you gave about his writing style. I love fiction also and that's one of the things that draw me to writers .


Same here bro, fiction is awesome, you wouldn't know the vibes I have been received for the past few months, now you know, you can as well join the chorus 🤗
You know where to get him.


Hahaha. Sure, now I know where to get good vibes as you do
