

Hello everyone, this week's Splinterlands challenge is to share a battle over the monster Feral Spirit

Feral Spirit.png

About the card

Feral Spirit is not an initial card in the game, whoever hasn't acquired it before in order to use it can rent or buy it from another player through the market.

Feral Spirit is a common card from the Alpha/Beta edition of Element Life with the ability Sneak and Melee attack, at the initial level it has (4) speed, (1) attack and (2) health, which in its evolution does not acquire new skill, but it increases its powers in which at maximum level it has (6) speed, (4) attack and (5) health, as you can see its evolution by the image with the statistics on the card.


About the Battle



For this chosen battle it was allowed to use the Life Element, Water. Earth or Dragon, with mana capacity (26) and with the rule Aim True (monsters of Melee and Ranged attack always hit the target) - with this set of rules slightly changes the choice of monsters for battle, because regardless of speed Melee and Ranged attack monsters will always hit the target, monster abilities with Blind, Flying and Dodge are not effective for this ruleset.

So I chose for this battle:

General Sloan new summoner of the Chaos edition of the Life element which increases (1) Ranged attack to all monsters

SHIELDBEARER Life Element Tank, from Untamed Edition and Rare card a great tank card having Taunt skill (in which monsters first attack monsters with this skill) and having at card level 1, (2) speed, (2) Melee attack , (4) armor, (9) health, spends (8) mana. At level (5) it gains Shield ability (reduces damage from Melee and Ranged attacks) and at level (8) it still gains Return Fire ability (when it is hit by a Ranged attack monster, it returns reduced attack to whoever attacked it), being a card quite complete for tank, being only vulnerable to magic attacks, but with some ability cards Silence (reduces magic damage) is tank to stay until the end of combat, it all depends on the mana capacity for battle, to be able to define the best composition of cards. Using this card as a tank there are several possibilities of combinations to protect it, since it has a good amount of armor and health, it can be combined using monsters with Repair or Tank Heal ability, depending on the battle rules.

Feral Spirit the theme of this battle, i used it in 2nd position due to its high speed to be able to be one of the first monsters to hit the opponent, being protected from attacks while my tank is alive due to its Taunt skill

Venari Crystalsmith rare card from the Reward edition with Ranged attack in which it has (2) speed, (1) attack, (4) health and spends (4) mana for deck composition and its ability at starting level is Tank Heal (heals the monster in the front line), getting at level (6) Dispel skill (when it hits an enemy, it clears the positive effects on that monster)
Its main function is its ability to heal, because it is not a card with good attack and is useless against Shield skill monsters (reduces the damage of Melee and Ranged attacks) but with the help of the summoner General Sloan, it becomes an interesting card, as it sees its attack go from 1 to 2.

Pelacor Arbalest is a rare life element card from the new Chaos edition.
Its particularity is the Double Strike ability (attacks 2x each round), being a card with (2) speed, (2) attack and (2) life, spending (6) mana, it is a card with low health and no armor, so it must be protected from monsters with Snipe ability (attack Ranged or Magic attack monsters, which are not in first position), from the Return Fire ability (returns reduced Ranged attack to the attacker) and Opportunity ability (attack monsters with low health) to protect from these abilities you can use a monster with the ability Protect (all monsters gain (2) armor) but it doesn't protect from magic attacks Snipe being more effective for your protection to have a monster with the ability Taunt.

Last but not least, the Neutral Element Bounty Edition Creeping Ooze common monster with Slow ability (reduces all enemy monsters' speed).
At the initial level he doesn't have any type of attack, only his quality is his skill, but at level (4) he already gains (1) Melee attack and at his maximum level he gets (3) speed, (2) attack, (3) ) life.
Being a neutral card, it combines with any type of Element for any type of Deck, as the monsters attack in order of speed, using this monster can create some advantage against the enemy, it is just not advisable to use it, in case the battle has as Reverse Speed ​​rule (in which monsters attack in reverse order) so it is not advisable to be using this card in that situation as we are helping the enemy attack first.


Battle game Splinterlands

In this battle, my opponent chose the Water Element with the summoner Kelya Frendul (increases by (1) speed and armor of all monsters), in which he used Serpent of Eld as tank, (3) Melee attack and with Dodge skill (chance to avoid melee and ranged attacks), then Albatross without attack type with Flying ability (chance to avoid melee and ranged attacks that don't have the same ability), then Ice Pixie, with (1) magic attack and Flying ability , then Merdaali Guardian without attack type with Tank Heal skill (restore the monster's health in the front line), then Scavo Hireling also without attack type, with Repair skill (restore the armor of the monster that the armor suffered the most damage) and finally Deeplurker monster with (3) Melee attack and Opportunity skill (attacks the monster with less health).

About combat

In a situation without battle rules the combat would be different, but with the AIM TRUE rule the battle has other contours, because the monsters don't miss the targets, and in this situation my opponent has no advantage in Dodge and Flying skills and with that my monsters easily destroy the opponent's tank in the 1st round even with (3) armor and (5) life, my two Ranged attack cards destroy the Serpent of Eld by themselves, without giving the opponent time to use the Repair and Tank skills Heal, because my Creeping Ooze monster has slowed down.

Due to the ruleset my monsters were better protected in relation to the opponent and with that in just 4 rounds the fight ended up ending, without having lost any monsters


Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

Yes my deck set for this battle worked very well, the choice I made was due to the set of rules that were part of the battle, and with that I would have chosen again the same cards having the same mana capacity available to use cards. Now if it was a battle without rules, I wouldn't have chosen this set of cards because in general they are monsters with low speed and low health, and against magic monsters this deck didn't have much result. That's why the battle deck is not generalized, but it is built with the set of rules that the battle requires and the mana capacity to be able to choose the appropriate cards for each battle position.

Do you like the FERAL SPIRIT?

Yes, I really like it and used it several times in battles against the Water Element, due to its low mana cost and its high speed, for anti-magic decks or with the Inspire skill, but all this happened when these Alpha/Beta Edition cards were playable , at the moment those who don't have Feral Spirit can buy or rent through the market like I did to carry out this battle.


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