Day to go for a walk and pick asparagus


Wild asparagus and its health benefits

Today in our post we are going to talk a little about an herb or plant that you want to call it that grows in the bush usually in my region next to olive trees.
This herb is very appreciated in cooking, essentially used to make scrambled eggs and ham, but there are several ways to prepare these herbs.

many are unaware that this herb or plant is very important for health and many pass by it and don't even care I went to see if it could be found and I found some even though a month ago there was much more.

This plant is called asparagus, a wild plant that has a pointed shape that blends in a lot with the vegetation but its stalks are quite crispy and tasty.
The part that is usually picked up is the part of the top tip as it is the most tender to be edible.

Let's see its general health benefits.

1- Your gallbladder and kidneys will thank you as it helps to fight many diseases in these organs.
2- in terms of diuretics, it is very used for those who want to lose some extra weight.
3- prevents cancer due to its vitamins A and E.
4-diabetes can be regulated and treated with this plant as well.
5-Cardiovascular diseases can be prevented essentially due to a substance called homocysteine.
6- is a good anti inflammatory for many diseases of our body.
7- Due to zinc and selenium it helps the immune system.




Yum! We like asparagus when it is nice and small and tender like in the picture. Our favorite way to eat it is roasted. That's our favorite way to eat most vegetables. They have such a nice flavor that way. Gotta be careful not to burn them though.


This is an informative blog. I wish I could grab some of that wild asparagus. I love them grilled. Thanks for sharing this.
