Lunch Run



Things are beginning to click lately. I am more accustomed to my new situation, location and workload. It shows in my running too. This is a first week after almost a year (I guess) that I ran three runs in a week. It feels good to implement what you have planned. That is not always the case.
The weather is outstandingly charming and welcoming. Cottony clouds, gentle breeze and a bright outdoors combine everything to make a perfect day. A quick run before lunch and it felt good.
The rhythm is coming back, slowly but steadily. Not sure about the fastest pace I ran but was less laboured than the earlier runs this week.
Looking forward to another great run this weekend. Probably, tomorrow.
Here's a pic that I took on one of the corners that I ran today. Amazing view of a lakeside park. What else do you need to get motivated.
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