#3StepsNoExcuses List: Day 2 - Twitter, History, and Mistakes, oh My!

#3StepsNoExcuses List: Day 2 - Twitter, History, and Mistakes, oh My!

It's Day 2 of your #3StepsNoExcuses. Come with me on my journey through the CTP challenge.

Now that you're familiar with the format here (3 simple steps to complete each day) let's get started! 😀

The Three Steps of Day 2:

1) Watch CTP's Twitter Video then Tweet about Your challenge.

This one is what I call a "two-fer". It has two parts, yet it's still all about one thing: Twitter.

First, watch Jon's ClickTrackProfit training module about Twitter:

It's the first video in the 'Click' series, which means traffic. In the affiliate marketing world, it works in this order:

Click (Traffic) >> Track >> Profit.

So before you can earn a profit online, you first must build a following of those who know, like, and trust you.

That occurs in the early part of online marketing largely through Social Media engagement.

After you watch the video above, login to https://www.Twitter.com/ and write a tweet about #3StepsNoExcuses.

Here's the one I wrote for Day 2:


Get creative! Think about how you can use the #3StepsNoExcuses hashtag. Are you excited to have something to keep you on track?

Tweet it! You had problems completing one of the steps? Tweet about that, too!

Once you get into the flow of creating content via Twitter and other tools, it's rather easy to keep going.

Your turn! Think of some ways you can use the hashtag. Here's a few I thought of if you're stuck:

Once you've written your Tweet, it's on to the next task.


2) Review Your Mail History in ListNerds.

Login to your ListNerds account: https://trckapp.com/list-nerds-rw/3Steps

Once you're logged in, click the Mail History tab on the left.

Your mail history is going to show you:

  • Date
  • Subject
  • Sent = The number of emails sent
  • Opens = The number of emails opened
  • Clicks = number of clicks received on the link in your mail.
  • CTR = Click Through Ratio, or the percentage of people who clicked out of the total who received your email.

You can see how using these stats would be helpful for online marketing. You can check and see if there's a specific date or day of the week that your offers are opened.

When we get into split testing, you will see that you can use two different emails to find out which one has a better subject line. We'll get there. For now just knowing where this area is within ListNerds is fine.

You may not see any emails in there if you just signed up, and that's OK! We will cover sending emails. (It's also covered in the CTP Training too!) Finally, on to the final Step:

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3) Watch Plus1Success Cideo Day2: "Make a Mistake"

Login to your Plus1Success account here:

Making mistakes and failure is part of the journey to success. Mistakes can be a good teacher.

Here's an example from my past:

I remember a critical mistake I made years ago when AOL was a big email provider. I'd just published an ebook, and I struck up a JV deal with a much bigger marketer who would promote my ebook to a huge list of subscribers. I was in heaven!

It worked. The orders came pouring in. Sure I was making plenty of money, but it wasn't until later I realized that NONE of the orders were from anyone with an AOL email address.

My script failed and with one of the biggest email companies at that time. No one from AOL received a confirmation email, so none of them ordered my book. I made over $1500 within the first 24 hours when my book went on sale, and that was in 1998.

Yet none of it was from AOL subscribers. That mistake cost me thousands of dollars. It's one I won't ever repeat. I send test emails now to make sure my emails go out. 😀

Resources For You:

The three tools we use daily in the challenge to grow our business and ourselves:

With that, have a wonderful day!

Go start promoting your online business with the new tools you now have in-hand.

Peace and Love,
