The Pipe That Isn't and a Half Full Bottle - Just One Thing


When is a Pipe not a pipe is one of the greatest philosophical questions ever posed and at the same time the beginning of a modern art era and a tool to measure attention and observation.

The very nature of representing something and then giving that representation a different interpretation to what the brain is absorbing demonstrates the dichotomies that we often face.

We see something, allow that imprint into our brain and then it is described differently
An example that many of you may have experienced this in what is called the Stroop effect and is our difficulty in naming a physical colour word when it is written in a different colour
some example below. The Stroop effect was first coined by a Psychologist in the 1930’s called John Ridley Stroop.

some of us will find this easier than others – this example above is a very short example and the actual testing is longer and also measures response time as an indicator of attention to detail
This concept is often used in Psychological testing as a measure of interference/conflict resolution.

Eg: we may be presented with a very clear pathway however we need to apply greater cognitive power to be able to see beyond what we actually see and ingest and react differently.

Ok, so what does this have to do with a Pipe, well in fact, ‘Its Not a pipe’

An artist in 1929 undertook an outstanding statement in a painting of a Pipe, for intents and purposes representation is just that, what you see represents what it is, however Magritte also wrote on the painting, ‘This is not a pipe’ The painting itself was called The Treachery of Images.

The work itself has, in itself created many an essay, much discussion and philosophical thought. It is what we see built it isn’t, it is purely a representation, so although it looks like a pipe it in reality isn’t, it is a painting of a pipe.

Minds became blown, the neurons fired and it really opened the doors to movements and thinking of a modern age.

There is great book by John Berger called , ways of Seeing’ in this book is described the notion of looking deeper into things because although they may represent something there is far more to it and we should all develop the ability to see further. Eg; colour has meaning, font has meaning, even a brick is more than a brick, there are the constructive elements of what it was and what it can be. Everything has more meaning and implication than what it actually is.

I remember when I was at Art school. I challenged this notion with my Art Theory lecturer and wrote an essay about something being exactly what it is and no more, she couldn’t cope, she called me into her office and we engaged in quite a heated discussion, In the end I received a HD for my Essay as my premise was that perception is exactly that, some will perceive things deeper because of Modern age paradigms and then there are those that take things for what they are. My Example was a bottle that was half full. She was insisting that everything contained metaphor and nothing could be interpreted without it. My argument was, it was simply a bottle that was half full and the intention was no metaphor and that I was challenging that no metaphor be applied. It was a hard challenge for people to accept.

So when is a pipe not a pipe, when you are told that it is a representation only, and when does something not contain metaphor, past historical experiential meaning and dichotomous views. When it is just simply a half full bottle


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Nice post, Russell. It is always fun to challenge a professor.


Well said Russell. These people deny their direct reality in front of their face. As a direct-realist myself, there is for sure an objective reality.


Where were you and this post when I was reading Moby Dick in high school? If I remember right, there are 11 levels of meaning in that book according to my English teacher. It was a story about a guy chasing a whale to me.
