4 Practices That Can Change Your Year (and Your Life)


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Making changes to get different results that you want to see in your life can sometimes feel nearly impossible.

It takes a willingness to step outside your comfort zone to make significant changes that will move you toward the new outcomes you want for your life.
Starting with these practices can be the beginning of a happier, healthier life.

1. Listen to Your Intuition
We like to think life is linear and rational. But more often than not, we make decisions based on what we know at the time.

But what if you started following your intuition more often than your brain? Often, the right choice is the one we don’t fully understand at the time. Your intuition can lead you down a path you least expect, but that can change your life in exciting ways.

2. Understand Your Why
You want to make changes but find year after year, you have yet to make it happen. One reason could be you don’t understand why you want to make the change. Or you understand it, but you focus on how hard it will be to make the change.

Look at the big goal you have and ask yourself why you want it. Will it free up time, make you healthier, or make retirement more comfortable? If the answer is yes, you should focus your thoughts on how much better your life will be when you’ve made the change, and then take action. Always start with your “why.”

3. Take Action
Often we wait until we think the “time is right” to do something meaningful. And for this reason, many of us have regrets later in life.

What do you genuinely want? If you can answer that question automatically, it’s time to take action. Any action. Making that first step will lead you to discover the right next steps to take that will lead you to where you want to go.

4. Stay Shortsighted
Have you ever thought you’d like to make a significant change in your life but then thought yourself out of it? When we look too far into the future, we can get overwhelmed and end up doing nothing.

Ask yourself what the next “first step” would be to make that change. Then the next step. And the next one. Most successful people didn’t know where exactly they’d end up. They just knew they wanted to change their lives, and so they did, step by step.

So, listen to your heart, know your “why,” take action now, and decide what step you’ll take today that will help move you toward getting the new results you want for your life.

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Understanding one's why, and staying single-minded are two of the toughest habits to develop.
Many times a why especially in my early days, was just to make money, and we all know that is not sustainable. Listening to Jim Rohn and Zig Ziglar a person's why must be passionate, and all-consuming.


Yes, knowing one's "why" for most of us is an ongoing process. Jim Rohn's teaching is a continued source of help for me.


Me too, recently I just finished "Eat That Frog" by Brian Tracy which has been a great help in fact I am going to read it again 😀
