Fruits Recommended for People with Ulcer



Hello my Cent community friends, how are you all doing

Ulcers are sores that develops in the linen of the stomach, lower esophagus and small intestine.

People with ulcer can find it very hard to eat some variety foods, especially fried and pepperish food. Ulcer patients has limited choice of food they eat.

When it comes to choice of what to eat fruits are not exempted, there are also fruits that are recommended for people with ulcer also and there are also some fruits that are not good such as acidic fruits.

Friuts To Eat

  1. Apple

  2. Banana

  3. Melon

  4. Pear

  5. Berries

  6. Kiwi

  7. Peach

Fruits you are not suppose to eat are Citrus fruits like oranges, tangerines, lemons, limes and grape fruits.

Hope this position has been helpful to you, see you in my next post.

Thank you for reading