Cine Tv contest: Money Heist/ my favorite stunning movie




These as been a movie with so much action, everything about the movie was excellent, watch this movie to episode 12 was great, I could remember when I first watch season 1 when the 12 criminals where planing for a mission that they will embark on, it was a we'll play movie that everyone will wish to watch, subscribing my phone everyday going through the internet searching for more episodes to be out still the extent I was interested in all the episode in the movie. The actor's and everyone who acted the movie play and interesting play, every moment of the movie was excellent to watch.

The movie talk about a group gang's who plan on a mission to rub a bank full of money, the movies goes like this, it took them so much time to embark on the mission, when the plan was successful they all went in a group to the bank, though their was security all over the place in the bank but all security was shot down and they could have access to go in to the bank, at the bank they brought everyone who where in the bank to a certain place, some of the gang went to where the money was and took the money and also print a lot of more money because the bank do on printing of USD and dome other currencies. The movie was well played though haven't watched some season of the movie but I will.

So try and watch the movie the actor's in the movie play a good character.

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Thanks for your entry. This is on Netflix but I think it is a show and not a movie per se. I did very much enjoy this show!

In the future, please do a little more in depth analysis on your reviews. Thanks!



I watched every episode with my excitement at its peak. It is very good.
