Autism: First time with conjunctivitis / Crisis [ENG][ESP]

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Autismo: Primera vez con conjuntivitis / Crisis


Hola Hola


Tenia tiempo que no me inspiraba a escribir sobre César y su autismo, porque Gracias a Dios estamos controlados y felices, la verdad César me tiene sorprendida de cómo se ha estado comportando, la verdad que con él me la llevo muy bien y nos entendemos bastaste.

Incluso con algunos cambios que hemos venido teniendo en casa, él lo ha tomado muy bien, cosa que me alegra mucho, porque debemos dar oportunidades de nuevas experiencias y vivencias. Estoy orgullosa de él.

Pero… Se me enfermó mi bebé, agarró una gripe horrorosa, se le enfocó en los ojos, nunca le había pasado, él no entiende qué le pasa y se presentó una crisis de ansiedad con todo mezclado. Aquí les contaré cómo fue esta noche de no dormir e incomodidad.

Desde el sábado César ha estado presentando fiebre con escalofrío, pero no ha estado muy congestionado con el sistema respiratorio, sin embargo le he estado dando antialérgico, además de acetaminofén para calmar el malestar.


El día lunes, lo veo que tiene mucha lagaña, cosa que es primera vez que le pasa, yo se la limpio, pero él no dice que le molesta, solo lo veo sucio, lo limpio con agua y cuidado. Porque los ojos son bastante delicados, al menos así lo veo yo.

Total fue que, en la noche, luego que yo estoy lista para bañarme, hacer todo mi proceso para acostarme, lo veo inquieto, moviéndose mucho y se paraba mucho al baño a lavarse la cara, le pregunto qué tiene y me dice que le molestan los ojos.

Como mamá, le pregunto qué tiene y lo reviso, es el deber ser. Cuando veo, tiene unas lagañas grandes y las tiene alrededor del ojo. Él no sabe cómo quitárselas, por lo tanto aunque se echara agua, no limpiaba el ojo como tal.

Voy con César al baño, le lavo los dos ojos y le digo que se acueste, se relaje, que eso lo va a ayudar. Lo mando a cerrar los ojos y quedarse quieto. A mí me funciona, quedarme quieta y no estresarme, porque sino me molesto e irrito.


Total es que César, se agitó más emocionalmente y comienza a llorar. Le vuelvo a decir que se relaje, porque así se altera más, que mejor se quede quieto, no se toque la cara, y verá que se le va a pasar.

César se paraba de la cama, al baño muchas veces seguidas, hasta me dije que lo iba a intervenir porque era muy tarde para andar parándose de la cama, más bien tenía que dormirse. Por un momento lo hizo, luego se volvió a parar que estaba incómodo.

En casa, no tengo colirio, porque se acabó y me ha costado reponerlo, así que no tenía otra manera, que lavarle el ojo y que los cerrara, se relajara y se durmiera. En eso que me dispongo a buscar en internet, una solución casera para el malestar ocular, me encontré que se puede poner compresa fría y lavar con solución para nebulizar.

Tengo en casa solución, algodón, así que agarré dos pedazos de algodón, los moje con el agua de solución y se lo pasaba, un algodón para cada ojo, no juntos. Así lo limpié. Otra cosa que hice fue echarle una mezcla de una medicina que me hizo mi papá para la nariz.


La nariz y los ojos se comunican, como eso tiene antialérgico, le apliqué unas gotas por cada orificio de la nariz y así le relajaba la alergia y le cayera algo en los ductos de los ojos, pero ya internamente.

Incluso, yo tengo medicina que le mandaron a él para relajarse en una oportunidad, que se llama Risperidona. Eso lo rejaló y fue calmándose poco a poco, le puse música para dormir, lo abrace, lo trate con amor y se quedó dormido.

Por la desesperación, como ya eran las 2:00 am, fue que tome todas esas decisiones, lamentando no tener el colirio adecuado, porque eso que le da fue alergia. Así que un colirio lo hubiese solucionado todo en ese momento de la noche.

Al despertar, descansó bastante, durmió completo su noche. Es decir, mi atención inmediata funcionó perfectamente, pero cuando fue a abrir los ojos, con las lagañas, no le permitía abrirlos. Entonces fue a lavarse la cara. Lo vi incomodo otra vez.


Escribí a mi hermana y una vecina a ver si tenía colirio antialérgico. La vecina si tenía, aunque estaba vencido, yo quise intentar a ver si le hacía bien. Lo más que le puede pasar es que no le haga nada.

Le eché una gota en cada ojo, le molestó la sensación, pero se le quitó el malestar del momento, ya no tiene lagañas pero si los ojos rojos, por lo que hace rato, le lavé los ojos otra vez con solución y le volví a echar las gotas.

En la noche lo vuelvo a hacer, mas el antialérgico para su gripe y listo. Ojalá mi bebé hoy si duerma completo.




Autism: First time with conjunctivitis / Crisis


Hello Hello


I hadn't been inspired to write about César and his autism for a long time, because thank God we are controlled and happy, the truth is that César surprises me with how he has been behaving, the truth is that I get along very well with him and we understand each other enough.

Even with some changes that we have been having at home, he has taken it very well, which makes me very happy, because we must give opportunities for new experiences and experiences. I'm proud of him.

But... My baby got sick, he caught a horrible flu, it focused on his eyes, it had never happened to him, he doesn't understand what's wrong with him and an anxiety attack came along with everything mixed up. Here I will tell you how this night of not sleeping and discomfort was.

Since Saturday César has been presenting fever with chills, but he has not been very congested with the respiratory system, however I have been giving him anti-allergy, as well as acetaminophen to calm the discomfort.


On Monday, I see that he has a lot of sleep, which is the first time it has happened to him, I clean it for him, but he doesn't say it bothers him, I just see it dirty, I clean it carefully with water. Because the eyes are quite delicate, at least that's how I see it.

Total was that, at night, after I am ready to bathe, do all my process to go to bed, I see him restless, moving a lot and he would stop a lot in the bathroom to wash his face, I ask him what he has and he tells me that they bother him the eyes.

As a mom, I ask her what she has and I check it, it's the duty to be. When I see, he has some big crusts and he has them around his eye. He doesn't know how to remove them, so even if he poured water on it, it didn't clean the eye as such.

I go with César to the bathroom, wash both of his eyes and tell him to lie down, relax, that this will help him. I command him to close his eyes and stay still. It works for me, staying still and not stressing, because otherwise I get upset and irritated.


Total is that César, became more emotionally agitated and begins to cry. I tell him again to relax, because that way he gets more upset, it's better to stay still, don't touch his face, and he'll see that it's going to go away.

César would get up from bed, to the bathroom many times in a row, I even told myself that I was going to intervene because it was too late to get up from bed, rather he had to fall asleep. For a moment he did, then he turned to stop himself from being uncomfortable.

At home, I don't have eye drops, because it's over and it's been hard for me to replace it, so I had no other way than to wash his eyes and close them, relax and fall asleep. In that I am about to search the internet for a homemade solution for eye discomfort, I found that you can put a cold compress and wash with a solution to nebulize.

I have a solution at home, cotton, so I took two pieces of cotton, wet them with the solution water and passed it to him, a cotton for each eye, not together. So I cleaned it. Another thing I did was add a mixture of a medicine that my dad made me for my nose.


The nose and eyes communicate, since it is anti-allergenic, I applied a few drops through each nostril and thus the allergy would relax and something would fall into the eye ducts, but already internally.

I even have medicine that was sent to him to relax on one occasion, which is called Risperidone. That bothered him and he calmed down little by little, I put music on him to sleep, I hugged him, treated him with love and he fell asleep.

Out of desperation, since it was already 2:00 am, she made all those decisions, regretting not having the right eye drops, because what she was getting was an allergy. So an eye drop would have solved everything at that time of the night.

When he woke up, he rested a lot, he slept all night. That is to say, my immediate attention worked perfectly, but when she went to open her eyes, with the rheum, I wouldn't allow her to open them. So he went to wash his face. I saw him uncomfortable again.


I wrote to my sister and a neighbor to see if they had anti-allergy eye drops. The neighbor did have one, although it was expired, I wanted to try to see if it would do her any good. The most that can happen to him is that he doesn't do anything to him.

I put a drop in each eye, the sensation bothered him, but the discomfort of the moment went away, he no longer has rheum but his eyes are red, so a while ago, I washed his eyes again with solution and gave him again pour the drops

At night I do it again, plus the anti-allergy for his flu and that's it. Hopefully my baby sleeps full today.


Soy Ana Fuentes💜💜

-Photos Redmi Note 9S
-Banners Canva
