RE: Wiping Tables


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They probably don't. My personal experience comes from many years back, many, many, lol. I told the guys I worked with that I was going to make them brownies. I didn't have a container to put them in to keep them fresh so I asked the neighbor upstairs. She gave me a plastic container with a lid to put them in. What transpired afterwards sure told the polite gentlemen from the not so polite gentlemen that I worked with. lol. I am walking around handing out these brownies, most took a bite or two, smiled and said thank you, then I got to a group of guys who immediately spit them out. Seems she used the dish a few days prior to clean the house using lysol but she forgot to wash the dish back out, the remaining lysol and water mixture dried onto the bottom of the container and my brownies sitting in there overnight somehow absorbed into the brownies. Needless to say they were never in a hurry for me to cook them anything ever again. I was never much of a cook back then anyways, which was one reason why I made them the brownies, I felt bad that they just loved the baked beans I brought to a holiday potluck, actually I bought baked beans in a can and put them in a casserole dish like I made them myself. Not being one to tell lies I fessed up and thought I'd make it up to them. I always have said it's a wonder my kids ever survived my cooking. I can't even tell you how long it took to perfect making homemade cookies and banana bread....well, I don't even want to go


That sounds like a series of unfortunate events.


Lucky for me they were mild stones in comparison...the block chain doesn't have room for the
