Technology: Betting On It Or Against It


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This is something that all of us have to decide. Many look at the world around them and feel it is not changing. However, that is not the case. We are in an era where technology is starting to change everything.

In this video I discuss how we have to decide which side of this equation we are on. If we are going to bet on technology, we need to align our views with it. There is a lot taking place that seems far-fetched at the moment. Of course, most of what was around us was that at one point in time.

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 48 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


I think technology is changing too fast and there are way too many places where it is changing. The question about who will be in charge of the technology is going to be a huge debate and I predict it will be tough.

Right now the big tech companies are so far ahead of the competition so I wonder if anyone will want the alternative. I don't want these companies to control the VR or the digital space and I hope it is decentralized.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I don't want these companies to control the VR or the digital space and I hope it is decentralized.

The only way to have any chance for that is to stop using products/services of the big tech companies, so they become smaller and smaller. If no one would use their products/services, then these companies would disappear. But currently that is highly unlikely to happen. Based on the current behaviour of the masses, they enjoy these things in their current form, and they often do not know (and/or simply do not want) any other way.


I don't either but they currently have the lead due to their huge capital. I also doubt people would just stop using their services because of the reputation and most people don't care. Even if one or two are removed, new ones will take their place and the only way to change this is by decentralizing the economy. When this happens and we have a free market, smaller companies may start having a better chance of taking market share.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


did you have a number that you would call and it will tell you the exact time? :D


Of course technology is going to change the world as we know it but there is a lot of pointless hype and misinformation about how that is going to happen. That's why is so difficult to predict how things will evolve.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


In this video transcript, the speaker discusses the importance of understanding and investing in technology to succeed in the current era. He emphasizes the rapid rise of technology companies and the necessity of aligning investments with technological advancements. Key technologies like AI, renewable energy, VR, blockchain, and crypto are highlighted as pivotal for societal change in the next decade. The speaker also delves into the potential impact of technology on various sectors such as medicine, education, and finance, noting the ongoing disruption caused by advancements. He predicts a future where robots build other robots, driving costs down significantly across industries. The video concludes with a call to either bet against or on technology, urging viewers to align their views and investments with the unstoppable progress of technology.

Detailed Article:
The speaker opens by addressing the critical decision individuals must make regarding technology in the current era of rapid advancements. He emphasizes the importance of understanding technology to make informed investment decisions. Notably, he points out that companies must evolve into tech companies to survive, drawing examples from industry giants like Facebook, Google, and Amazon, all relatively young compared to traditional corporations.

The discussion then shifts to key technologies shaping the future, starting with AI. The speaker underscores the transformative nature of AI, facilitated by the continuous growth of computational power and data. He highlights the potential of AI to optimize software architecture and mentions the looming presence of quantum computing.

Renewable energy emerges as another game-changer, with the speaker acknowledging the ideological divide surrounding it. Despite debates, he asserts the increasing need for more energy and anticipates exponential growth in renewable energy penetration and cost-effectiveness.

Virtual Reality (VR) is discussed as a pivotal technology for the future, with the speaker predicting a shift towards a 3D internet. Companies like Facebook and Microsoft investing in VR and AR technologies are cited as evidence of this transition towards a holographic digital world.

The importance of blockchain and cryptocurrencies is emphasized as core technologies driving societal change in the coming years. The speaker highlights their potential to revolutionize various sectors, including finance, by challenging traditional banking systems.

The discussion broadens to the impact of technology on different industries like construction, medicine, education, law, and finance. The ongoing disruption caused by Fintech in the banking sector is cited as an example of technology reshaping traditional industries.

The potential dystopian future where technology is controlled by large corporations is acknowledged, leading the speaker to advocate for decentralization through blockchain and cryptocurrencies. He stresses the need to ensure that technology empowers individuals rather than enslaving them.

The video concludes with a futuristic vision where robots build other robots, leading to a significant reduction in costs across industries. The speaker urges viewers to align their views and investments with the trajectory of technology, emphasizing the inevitability and transformative power of technological progress.
