The Collapse Of The EU Is Not New

For a few years I wrote how the EU is basically cooked. The Eurozone is in collapse and it not going to recover. This is not something I state lightly and certainly am not a doom and gloom person.

However, the EU has screwed the pooch so bad it is done.

Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case. Throughout history, we see the rise and fall of empires. This is true whether we are talking about a monarchy, nation, or city-state. The EU is mirroring history.

Another sad reality is they are not the only ones heading down this path. The EU will be the first to implode but far from the last. It is a process that will be repeated numerous times over the next couple decades.

Human history tends not to change. For centuries we mucked around with trying to eliminate the business cycle only for it to rise up and wipe out everything. The EU is going to feel this reality first.


The Cycle of an Empire

Cycles of this nature can last a long time. The United States, for example, if nearing 250 years. This is a case where we saw the timeline measure in centuries. For the EU, it is decades. Both will end up the same, as is always the situation.

The cycle these entities follow is similar.

Here is what we can call the Cycle of Empires:

  • People are attracted to a central gathering place, usually called cities. The appeal is low taxation along with regulation. This, in turn, helps to create jobs which leads to culture. Society forms around the assembly of people. Of course, the economic benefits are rather obvious.

  • As prosperity increases, governments (or the people in them) get greedy. They grow in size. In the beginning, government might only focus upon defense. In times of peace, there is little involvement. As the years pass, the reach grows. Government inserts itself into all facets of life, causing those involved to become greedy. The public sector overwhelms the private as taxation and over-regulation explode.

  • People adapt by leaving. This puts the economy on the downside of a Bell Curve. Without a decline in people, economic productivity follows. Governments compensate by further overreach, trying to maintain relevance.

Ultimately it all collapses. This was true for the Roman Empire. It was mirrored in the 1500s by Spain. The Brits experienced this.

Of course, there is another characteristic that is common: the defaulting on debt.

Failure to Grow the Economy

At the root of all this is the failure to grow the economy. This is what always propels a society forward.

Government gets addicted to revenue, something that cannot be broken. It is often accompanied by corruption. Here is where the "power of the state" (crown, city hall, or whatever) comes in. Basically, it can legislate theft.

Of course, the masses always seem to love this. We get a lot of rich versus poor. This has gone on for centuries. If governments were successful in creating equality, why are there still poor people?

The reality is that government only starves the economy. Argentina is a prime example. A century ago, it was the second largest economy in the Western Hemisphere. After Peron, the country is mired in the abyss.

Government does not grow the economy. If this were the case, the Soviets would have been the leading economy in the world. It was not. Even the successor, Russia is barely in the Top 10.

Getting back to the EU, it suffered from abysmal growth rates the last couple decades. Even without recession, it was in danger of going negative. Now that most agree we are going to suffer globally, the EU certainly will post some negative readings.

The challenge for the Eurozone is nobody wants it debt. The only way to fund the deficit spending is by selling sovereign bonds. When entities are buying, this is sustainable. Yet, when that stops, a train wreck is on the horizon.

This is what the EU is facing.

Right now, EU debt is ending up on the balance sheets of the European banks. This stems from the ECB taking rates negative in 2014. A side benefit to that is, not only did it blow up the bond market, it is crushing the pension funds. They require 6%-8% to be solvent.

As you can guess, negative rates means they are really underwater.

The Future

A default of EU debt is just about guaranteed. This will sent shockwaves throughout the entire global economy since most listen to the economists and their silly theories.

Once this happens, they will have to stem the growing discontent. Look for the EU to implement a Universal Basic Income to appease the citizenry. This will be framed as to the benefit of the population. Unfortunately, here is where we see the handiwork of Klaus Schwab entering.

The Europeans will have nothing but I am not sure they will be happy about it.

I look for some countries to follow Britain and to start exiting. The EURO is going to keep falling, especially against the USD. It is likely capital flow remains heading out of the country, with much of it finding its way into the US.

Those in cryptocurrency would be smart to get at least some portion of their holdings into these assets. It might be good to consider a stablecoin like HBD which can give one USD denominated exposure, even if it isn't dollars.

As stated, this is the first of a number of governments that will find themselves in this pickle. Ultimately, even the U.S. is going to suffer a similar fate since it is unlikely to change course.

We humans like to keep repeating the same mistakes.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Having a common currency and strong economies behind, is the importance of their cooperations. The growth, Security and prosperity is visible too. But, the greediness and some countries not "playing the big brother card" like US to his neighbours is affecting the cordial relationship of the Europeans. This is the first to invest in stablecoin for stability against the fall of EU and Euros!


The EU was destined to fail for a couple reasons. To start, the history among the people of different countries was one where getting along ultimately was going to be a failure.

Also, they did not get rid of the debt of individual countries. Hence, we have a situation where the who were coming to the table in a weak position where only pushed further down the scale.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The inclusion of new member countries which are found close to the continent but historically different from the main European countries and continuous disintegration of countries (i.e, dividing brothers and making them competitors) are also reason why the fail is imminent! Some member countries are in serious debts, can't help their citizens but still expect the good jolly from other European countries. Brexit is a crack on the conglomerates!


Sadly at one point my wife and I were considering moving to the EU but I'm glad we didn't. The more I learn about the situation going on there fiscally, the worse it gets. That small region of the world is home to so many crazy situations but are all based on the lust for power and greed at the end of the day sadly, and those always turn out poorly in the long run.

That sycophant Klaus is really getting on my nerves!


That sycophant Klaus is really getting on my nerves!

Easy to have that happen.

Have no fear, he will fail like all others who thought they could control the economy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I look for some countries to follow Britain and to start exiting.

I could see Hungary doing so. The EU has already suspended transferring money to Hungary over Viktor Orbán’s wishywashy support for Ukraine. Orbán might pull the Hungary for Hungarians card.

Maybe Greece if the ECB played hardball. There was some talk in Greece a decade ago about returning to the drachma. Probably not a brilliant idea, but if the economy went into a nosedive, grasping at straws might become popular.


Two good choices. I would also put Italy on the list. Their hatred for the Germans isnt even being masked anymore.

The southern countries certainly got the short end of the stick in that arrangement.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I find it really funny when people say they learn from mistakes but don't want to learn from the mistakes of others. We keep allowing ourselves to make the mistakes of others in the past because we do not want to humble ourselves.


Human nature tends not to change. The thirst for power seems to be inherent in us, especially among those who seek politicial office.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Very true. I find that those who can not see this to be the case in themselves are the most dangerous


Economy isn't doing well, the debt will definitely make it worse for the citizens... My country has suffered a lot from debts and I can only hope it doesn't get worse because they tend not to learn from their mistakes.

Too bad!

If governments were successful in creating equality, why are there still poor people?

It is clear they didn't create anything of such hehe

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I agree that the EU is going to collapse. The moment they put down negative interest rates, they made the debt undesirable by most of the world. There isn't any way for them to really expand when people don't have faith in the currency.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Negative interest rates also crushed the pension funds since they tend to be the largest accumulators of government bonds.

This is going to add another layer of economic and financial uncertainty. Add in demographic issues in many of those countries and we can see how this is a powder keg getting ready to explode.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Nice analysis! I think EU has everything going downside at the moment. Starting from Brexit, Euro devaluation, now the Ukraine war. It's a ticking time bomb, we just need to wait and see how bad will be the impact.


As time goes by, European Union is increasingly looking like Yugoslavia during its last years. We have federation run by faceless, unpopular and incompetent apparatchicks without any legitimacy among general population; economy is rapidly deteriorating because of inability to solve the debt issue; population is experiencing rampant inflation, rationing and previously unimaginable fall of living standard; dysfunctional politics opens space for ambitious populists, as well as ethnic tensions and nationalist grievances that were kept under the carpet while the times were good.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
