Waiting for the time...



We are in the middle of the crypto winter

This is not a good time for virtually any asset class that one usually invests in.
Stocks are doing badly and so is crypto.
Is is a place to be invested in ?

Gas and Fuel are in high demand

With the winter fast approaching Europe and the rest of the world is feeling the pressure of low supplies of Gas.
They need to fill up their reserves before the winter sets in.

There are talks to cap the Gas pricing

There are talks to cap the international gas prices and if this were to happen is a big IF
There is a stiff tug of war between demand and supply for both the oil and gas.

For those of us in the crypto space

We are hoping against hope to see this crypto winter end.
Though with so many good crypto projects down quite a lot from their ATH all time high pricing it would be ideal time to buy some more perhaps in small chunks.
However where is the money is the big dilemma as soaring pricing is eating into the paycheck if you get one in the first place.
That being said it would be safe to say that we are all waiting for the bull run to start.
