The bearers of the true truth // Os portadores da verdadeira verdade

Yesterday I had the displeasure of watching (and listening to) a podcast that made me extremely angry. Because the interviewee was an absurdly, ABSURDLY idiotic, and obviously famous person. The interviewer is a guy I respect a lot and I delight in numerous high quality interviews he's already brought on his show, but I felt strongly annoyed at how he was able to put up with that damn ignorant participant for several hours without losing control of the situation. .


In this case, the respondent was an influencer (probably from Instagram or YouTube) who mixed the worst of alienated Christianity with the worst of disease deniers of nineteen disease, and besides, obviously, he needed to be completely narrowed down in flat earth belief. But none of these issues are really a problem for me. I'm tired of seeing earthworkers on the internet and some even in real life, I'm tired of seeing pandemic disease deniers and also tired of seeing revolutionary Christians who found Jesus better than the conventional Catholic Jesus. This is all nothing new. The real problem is when such a figure assumes that he is the most right person on the planet, that his entire conviction is the true truth and that everything else, EVERYTHING else is wrong, we are all wrong, only he is right and any far from that would be idiotic. I put up with him criticizing vaccines, talking about people's lack of faith, but when he started ridiculously trying to prove with rotten arguments (absurd, ridiculous, preposterous, idiotic, weak, fragile and tasteless) his flat earth theory, and with that he started to arguing strongly with the presenter, even slowing him down, I lost my temper and hung up. The dose of ignorance and total conviction in one's own ignorance was so great that it felt wrong for me to watch it a little longer, it was as if I was giving him energy to continue that horror show. But at the same time, such absurdity was so uncomfortable that it somehow attracted me to keep seeing how far it could go.


This completely retarded interviewee was just an exaggerated and megalomaniacal example of something I see in everyday life constantly. People who believe they know the "correct version of reality" and who, when they come across the version of other people, tend to act lightly as if to say: poor you, lost in illusions, only my truth is true . And this applies to countless situations, not just religious, identity, political, etc., but in anything. I've experienced countless variations on this same ridiculous posture of absolute certainty. Anyway, this is just a post of anger about how stupid people can be who think they know everything and that their version of reality is the "only correct".

Thômas Helon Blum



Ontem tive o desprazer de assistir (e ouvir) um podcast que me deixou extremamente irritado. Por que o entrevistado era uma pessoa absurdamente, ABSURDAMENTE idiota, e óbviamente famosa. O entrevistador é um cara que respeito muito e me delicio com inúmeras entrevistas de alta qualidade que ele já trouxe em seu programa, mas me senti fortemente incomodado em como ele foi capaz de aguentar aquele maldito ignorante participante por várias horas sem perder o controle da situação.


No caso, o entrevistado era um influenciador (provavelmente de instagram ou youtube) que mixava o que existe de pior do cristianismo alienado com o que existe de pior dos negacionistas da doença dezenove, e além de tudo, óbvio, ele precisava ser completamente bitolado na crença da terra plana. Mas nenhum desses assuntos é de fato um problema para mim. Eu estou calejado de ver terraplanistas na internet e alguns até na vida real, estou cansado de ver negacionistas de doenças pandêmicas e também cansado de ver cristãos revolucionários que encontraram o jesus melhor que o jesus do católico convencional. Isso tudo não é novidade. O problema real é quando uma figura dessas assume que ela é a pessoa mais certa do planeta, que toda sua convicção é a verdade verdadeira e que todo o resto, TODO o resto é errado, todos estamos errados, só ele está certo e que qualquer coisa longe disso seria idiotice. Eu aguentei ele criticando vacina, falando da falta de fé das pessoas, mas quando começou a ridiculamente tentar provar com argumentos podres (absurdos, ridículos, estapafúrdios, idiotas, fracos, frágeis e insossos) sua teoria da terra plana, e com isso começou a discutir fortemente com o apresentador, até diminuindo-o, eu perdi a paciência e desliguei. A dose de ignorância e de total convicção na própria ignorância foi tão grande que pareceu errado eu assistir aquilo mais um pouco, era como se eu estivesse dando energia para ele continuar aquele show de horrores. Mas ao mesmo tempo, tamanho absurdo era tão desconfortável que me atraia de alguma forma para continuar vendo até onde aquilo podia ir.


Esse entrevistado completamente retardado foi apenas um exemplo exagerado e megalomaníaco de algo que eu vejo no dia a dia constantemente. Gente que acredita que sabe a "versão correta da realidade" e que ao dar-se de encontro com a versão de outras pessoas, costuma agir com pouco caso como quem diz: pobre de você, perdido em ilusões, só a minha verdade é verdadeira. E isso se aplica à inúmeras situações, não apenas religiosas, identitárias, políticas, etc, mas em qualquer coisa. Já vivi inúmeras variações dessa mesma postura ridícula de certeza absoluta. Enfim, esse é só um post de revolta sobre quão estúpidas podem ser as pessoas que acham que sabem de tudo e que sua versão da realidade é a "única correta".

Thômas Helon Blum


Reason to DV, welp, anger speaking is dangerous, it makes anyone who uses it to feel entitle to power and try to shup other people up. So im petty much againts it, on principle as a Venezolain, we got several presidents who where like trump, anger speach all the time, non stop.

And they kinda ruined the country u know? Dont fall to that golden apple, be better than the no-vac "cristians". Thye one step away from beliving the earth is flat and the astronauts are fake... So why do you waste your time actually listening to those guys, relax a little, i know you are angry. But anger speech is the source of most human evil. Try not to let it poison you :)


Nice man! Too bad that your DownVote goes exactly against any logic of this, downvote here at POB is equivalent to a violent attitude if placed without a logical reason. If you disagree with me you can just ignore the content. I don't think it's fair that you take away my opportunity to earn some money here because I somehow didn't favor your content.
And by the way, it shows that even at subtle levels, we're doomed to censorship, since I can't express myself.


Dint favor your content?

For Ducks sake, what im saying is: that for me, you sound as a violent fanatic, just as that radio pseudoinfluencer evangelist was for you, than you should relax a little before writing on pob, than is a dangerous thing to transmit anger to others, it makes people become angerfull themselfs and do emotional decisions, and brain is a logical identity, pob is supose to probe our selfs, our brains and logics :).

Anger, hate, all negativity is contagious, your unfollow is as meaningless as thist post, Why? Because you are doing it out of spite, and anger. Negativity have no role in pob, we supose to be logical and more empatic, we should'nt complain in a purely from angerfull ways, that is what i was triying to comunicate.

As an user i was just triying to comunicate than i wanted you to relax a little, than this kind of things can get addictive, and its what make trump followers not take the vaccine, a miss directed anger. Is what made Venezuela a socialism goverment, a miss directed anger is a source of evil.

And your entire post is plagated by it in every sentence. I was not censoring you or silencing you, in fact i was willingto upvote if you took a relaxed and meanign full apprach, but the way you standed up and acted like if you were wronged when i calmly expressed myself instead of a silent dv...

I opened a door and you slammed it, im not the same as your regular downvoter or wharever.


Dá medo desse pessoal que acha que está sempre certo, ainda mais quando fala q é um youtuber ou algo assim... nada contra, tenho certeza que muitos trazem coisas incríveis, mas a esperança está pouca, parece que a maioria dessa galera tem que ser meio aloprada para fazer sucesso. sei lá.

Vida inteligente está difícil de encontrar.

Obrigado por compartilhar sua opinião / reflexão 👊
