Things I Believed In As A Child


One of the qualities of children is that, they are always open to learning more and more. You could tell a child something and immediately, he/she believes it to be true.



As a child, growing up I believed in so so many stupid things and I know you did too but as I come to think of it, I can’t help but wonder just how dumb I was was back then. Don't get me wrong, those things I now see to be stupid were the things that made up my childhood and made it fun even though I was "omo get inside" I still get to be thankful that my childhood was not all that boring.

Without any further delay, let's check out some of the things we believed while growing up.

T̳h̳i̳n̳g̳s̳ ̳I̳ ̳B̳e̳l̳i̳e̳v̳e̳d̳ ̳I̳n̳ ̳A̳s̳ ̳A̳ ̳C̳h̳i̳l̳d̳

1. Eyelashes

The first on the list is something that if it really worked, it would have encouraged us to do more damage. One of the many things children fear is being punished (flogged mostly). it was or is believed that "If I remove some of my eye lashes and put it my the door, it will make my parents forget they are suppose to beat me"😲😲😲. Trust me, if I knew thing back then, I would have removed all my lashes because I was the very definition of menace. 😂😂😂

2. If salt pours on the ground.

This next one happened late at night when my parents travelled, we were cooking and had a neighbor with us. As we were cooking, the salt container fell and some salt poured. On seeing this, the neighbor said we should clean up fast if not, people will fight in the house. 😡😡😡
The only reason why I still remember this was that after the lady had gone, we the kids had a very major fight in the house and it made me think hard if it was the salt pouring that caused the fight or it was just a coincidence. Till now, if salt pours, I try not to loose my cool to avoid fight even though I know it's just a mere myth.

3. After your tooth falls.

This should be known by all kids. I don't know of now though but back then, it was expected that if your tooth falls in order for it to grow back, you are expected to toss it on the roof with some stones that tell your age. This was the most famous myth ever.

4. Pot Belly

This was told to me by my grandmother that if I eat from pot causes big stomach hence the name "pot belly". This was an habit that I couldn't let go off and till now, I still eat from the pot and I don't have POT BELLY. 🤪🤪🤪

5. Belly Button.

I know of this this because my brother and sister had massive belly buttons that they weren't proud of. As usual, different ideas started coming and boy did they do everything but they didn't work out. One of the help they got was told by some of my brother's friends.
They said that if you want to get rid of your big belly button, rub an amount of money on the navel then go to a pregnant woman selling things and buy something from her but do not collect change. The belly button will transfer to her unborn child.

6. Planes and fingers

It was beloved that if you see a plane ✈️ or bird 🦅 passing above and you pull back your finger, it will begin to descend immediately. Funny right?😂😂 but there were sometimes our imaginations deceived us that they were actually coming down. What you believe, you will definitely see 😁😁😁

Some others I have heard are:

  1. If your biro stops writing, just put it in your mouth, clap your hands and do one kind of magic.
  2. If I eat by the door side, I won't be satisfied.
  3. If I swallow coin, I will vomit money.
  4. If I put my hands in rain, I will get struck my thunder.
  5. If I swallow seed of fruits, it will start growing in my stomach.
  6. If you cross a pregnant woman, the child will look like you or have some of your features.
  7. Looking at someone that has apollo (Conjunctivitis) automatically gives you apollo.
  8. Everyone has their own special moon that follows them.
  9. If you tell a girl you like her, she will slap you.
  10. Kissing a girl gets her pregnant.
  11. Giving my money to my mum is the best way of saving.

I guess these are all I can think of. If you have, feel free to drop in the comment section let’s share the fun😂😂😂

I still remain Trojan


I can relate much on the number 5. When we eat cotton fruit before our parents told us not to swallow it because it will grow in our stomach and the branches and leaves will come out from the nose, eyes and ears hahahaha


They really scammed us back then though 😂😂😂


Yes hahaha and you know I am still using it too to my child so he wont eat those seeds hahaha


Looking at someone that has apollo (Conjunctivitis) automatically gives you apollo.

I'm not sure yet but I guess this one works..

I heard of one...
If you sleep facing up, you'll dream bad dream, can you imagine?
