Success is reward for hard work


Greetings to everyone!

The motivation for hard work is the satisfaction you receive after the achievement of your mission, because you have some price to pay for the completion of tasks.
With my little experience, what I know of what we call "success" is a product of hard work because you can't have one without the other. Hard work can make people trust you, give you honour and also help you to keep your words or promises to people around you.
I believe that success feels great to you when you achieve the goals and lift the weight, get the promotion or whatever the goals that you may set for yourself. We all know that everybody has a story to tell on the achievement page of success I mean, when you ask successful people around you, what they tell you is that hard work helps them achieve their dreams and goals
Though being able to give the motivation to work hard is very difficult, when you accomplish it, it's a great joy for you because when we are successfully rewarded after working hard, we naturally believe that such success and reward are the results of our efforts.

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