do you know about this unique semarang guava fruit


This semarang guava is a semarang water guava (Syzygium samarangense) is an endemic plant in the guava tribe or Myrtaceae originating from the island of Java, namely in Indonesia. Semarang guava trees and fruits are not much different from other water guavas (S. aqueum), only some cultivars are even difficult to distinguish, so they are often named by the common name, guava or just guava.





This Semarang guava has been glorified and the competition on the best parent tree is routinely carried out every year in the northern coast of Central Java in Indonesia. Some of the cultivars include Cincalo's Merah (from Semarang). Green Cincalo, Camplong, Red Candle, Green Candle.

This Semarang guava, like water guava and guava bol is usually served as table fruit. good These three types of guava have more or less similar uses and can replace each other. These fruits are generally eaten fresh, and used as one of the ingredients for rujak waw cool isn't it. Various types of guava can also be set up or used as pickled fruit.

This hard wood which is slightly reddish in color is good enough to be used as a building material, and as long as it doesn't hit the ground. Because it is sweet, so that the guava fruit in Semarang is often attacked by caterpillars (larvae) or fruit flies. Eggs of flies and caterpillars are commonly found on fruit that is not tightly closed while on the fruit tree. That is all and thank you

| category | type |p
| ------------ | ------------ |
| outhor | trtaprtm |
| camera | oppo A39 |
| located | Aceh (indonesia) |
