Dealing with detractors with Joseph Brodsky ideas.


Sometimes it is painful to believe you are doing sometimes right with your time and people are against you. Criticism is part of growth, but it can also be a source of depression and distraction.

In 1962, a young Russian man, Joseph Brodsky, met a beautiful lady, Marina. They both loved art and they lived together in Russia. Marina did paintings and Joseph wrote poetry. They married and had a child.

Everything was making sense for them until 1972 when the Soviet forces came knocking at their home. They held Joseph captive and threw him out to Vienna, and they banned him from the Soviet Union. Sadly, for him, he could not see his beautiful Marina again.

This is the same popular Joseph Brodsky who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1987. His works are mostly written in Russian, but it was accepted around the world except by the Soviet Government. They consider his work as anti-soviet and they smeared him for years within the region.

However, Joseph could find another home in the united state and a Job at Yale and a few other Universities. In 1991, they appointed Joseph Brodsky as the United States Poet Laureate (a person who is recognized with an award for exceptional intellectual achievement.) These happened within 2 decades of being ousted from the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union is the main critic and distractor in the life of Joseph. Joseph speech at the University of Michigan, is in his book On Grief and Reason. The speech is like a manual to follow to get rid of critics and distractors.


Try not to pay attention to those who will try to make life miserable for you. There will be a lot of those-in the official capacity as well as the self-appointed. Suffer them if you can’t escape them, but once you have steered clear of them, give them the shortest shrift possible. Above all, try to avoid telling stories about the unjust treatment you received at their hands; avoid it no matter how receptive your audience may be. Tales of this sort extend the existence of your antagonists.

What your foes do derives its significance or consequence from the way you react. Therefore, rush through or past them as though they were yellow and not red lights. Don’t linger on them mentally or verbally; don’t pride yourself on forgiving or forgetting them — worse come to worse, do the forgetting first. This way you’ll spare your brain cells a lot of useless agitation; this way, perhaps, you may even save those pigheads from themselves, since the prospect of being forgotten is shorter than that of being forgiven. So flip the channel: you can’t put this network out of circulation, but at least you can reduce its ratings. Now, this solution is not likely to please angels, but, then again, it’s bound to hurt demons, and for the moment that’s all that really matters.”

The impact of negativity is intensified when we keep talking about it. No matter how we put it, we are broadening negativity and enriching poor decisions. Talking about them is like a waste of time and life. There was a man that was preaching the gospel and many people were against his message. They tried to stop him with negative words, but they failed. Right now he is among the richest in Africa and his messages are all around the globe. Thus, terrible advice, thoughts, and bad energy must be seen as they are. They are not to be deliberated on. They are just noise trying to distract you. If you can learn to ignore and only listen to positive thoughts and motivation, you will get to the top faster.


These are the kind of things I love reading. In my school I've been experiencing critics from fellow mates but honestly I trained myself to that point where someone can't use my ears to learn how to make a good speech or how to be a professional critic. People have their choices on what to like and what not to like but my opinion is; if anybody knows that he or she doesn't like what I do then the person should move and go on with his or her instead of thinking he or she would be a bug to me and Change me. I don't and can never give way to negative critics that can doom my life forever. I really enjoyed reading this post, it just boosted my confidence even more. !PIZZA



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