Do you have resolutions or financial intentions?


It is day 9 in the new year 2022. The greeting "happy new year" is already going off and we are facing the reality of 2022. Within the last 9 days, a lot has happened for most people, but the last 9 days are just holidays for some people. People set a new year's resolution. We hear things like new year new me. You have the motivation to lose weight, eat healthily, learn a new skill and make more money than the previous year. These are common things, we all want to be better. However, I have a question. When was the last time you kept your new year resolutions? The zeal is always high in the beginning, but when it gets to a point, you continue as the normal you.

However, just because you could not run with all of your year’s resolutions doesn’t mean you should ignore your goals of financial stability. Planning is easy, but flowing with them with the unseen circumstances is hard. The last 2 or 3 years have taught us a lesson on how unseen factors can ruin all plans. I was planning on going for a software engineering course in FPT Hanoi, Vietnam before the covid. I had consulted my childhood friend, and I was already planning the admission, then covid came and everything had to stand still.

In all of the year’s resolutions, the financial aspect is extremely important. Therefore, instead of bombarding the year with so many things, let’s focus on financial intentions and learning new things.

Financial Intentions

Financial intentions are all about creating a lifestyle that aligns with your goals and objectives. If you have planned to save up to $50,000 in a year before and failed, then it means you have to do something different this year to achieve it. So, this means you have to increase your savings, then you have to implement lifestyle changes that support saving more.

To better set better financial intentions, create time and pen down all your plans. Then develop the actions that will drive you there. Try to eliminate the scarcity mindset. Some people make a lot of money daily but still have a scarcity mindset about money. Adopt a financial abundance mindset. Always know that even when you go broke, you can come up with the idea to make more money. I published a post some days ago about using your X-Factors every time to make money.

As the year move, follow up your plans and always divide the remaining days of the year from your financial intentions to know if you are on the right track on achieving them. Your finance is the key to many doors and you have to always stay on the right track.

Thank you for reading!

My name is @tykee (Balogun Michael), a software developer/content writer and the founder of Meshboc Limited. I use my content to share my opinions on tech, lifestyle, and finance.

Discord: tykee#8770


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