Last BeachWednesday contest of the year


Los geht es wieder einmal mit den Strandbildern sowie immer gerne auch Videos - macht mit Kollegen, insbesondere @homeartpictures - wo versteckst Du dich denn?

A challenging year comes to and end, submit to our last Beach Wednesday of 2022

Hiya Beach lovers - today in time we start the next edition - join our latest contest around the beautiful beaches of our beautiful planet. Read on for the background of this, what we want, the rules and what you can win apart from being recognized as a great artist and photographer.


Photo by me shot in - where only? - Turkey, Bulgaria, Egypt, Tunisia or Germany?

The rules

The decision for winners will be in the hands of our previous edition champion @tuyenmai95 - we all are looking forward to your great content.

More background

Guys, I decided to re-vitalize my #beachwednesday with an official bi-weekly contest like #SunThursday. It was about time to do so. The guys that know me from pre-blockchain communities are aware of that photography challenge I invented ages ago. I also introduced this to Steem / Hive early 2017 and was thrilled by all the great people using it posting about beaches around the world. At that time it was a fun photography challenge I curated with my votes and engagement - the lovely @lizanomadsoul took it over to curate after 2 years but we hardly had any posts since one year.

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Why a contest now?

Given the #SunThursday contest is now running since nearly several months with great submissions, a lovely small community and I often get asked how we can reward great photography on the blockchain I decided to also run a little bi-weekly contest for Beach Wednesday!

Check the tag #BeachWednesday and jump to 2017

To get a feeling about this please search the tag via "recent" here on Peakd / Hive to see many submissions from 2017-2019. Even there was no prize money involved - many people joined as they love to post for fun. This one as well as my SunThursday and DanceWeekend challenges have their special little places in my heart and will always try to submit posts ongoing (sentimental moments lol - I know!).


I still believe these little tags and micro-communities are fun and can connect many people from different regions - kind of small communities. BeachWednesday is not totally new - even before Steemit and later Hive I hosted this on other platforms. Feel free to keep using the tag and who knows, maybe this will become a Hivemind community soon 😂. I am always delighted to see the great moments and stories you post weekly.

I hope this contest will drive again some engagement around its niche topic and attract photography junkies (amateurs and professionals) to use this blockchain and this tag to show the beauty of our lovely world.

This contest will have some rules, prizes for the winner (hope you read on) are some decent votes from @theycallmedan - so the Top 3 will get some vote between 7.5 to 20% by one of the driving forces behind our blockchain - just as a small hint - a 10% vote currently is worth around $4 aka 20 Hive.

And here are the rules

Please create a post using the tag BeachWednesday showing your own original photography or video work covering the beaches from lakes, oceans etc or write about the topic, short or long stories are also welcomed. The three best submissions will receive their winner upvotes within one day after the winner post.

  • Post photography, video or written content covering the topic BEACH

  • Use the tag #BeachWednesday as your first tag

  • Add link to your submission in the comments on THIS post

  • Consider to "vote&reblog" this post to spread the contest (not mandatory but it might help)

  • Only original (your own) content will qualify


  • Contest submissions will need to be made until December 27, 10am CET to make sure we have enough time to select the winner

What to win (contest will be handled every two weeks)

This is a fun contest where I still am searching for sponsors - for now this is what the top 3 will receive:

1. Prize: 12-15% Upvote by @theycallmedan
2. Prize: 8-10% Upvote by @theycallmedan
3. Prize: 6% Upvote by @theycallmedan

Always open for community sponsors

Please comment or DM me if you want to support great photography content creators. Ideally a community or whales join the party so we do not get stuck with small user pocket money only :-).


Gorgeous beach. Great shot @uwelang
Just reminded me how much I miss the beach.


Hi there @uwelang. I'm ecstatic to be a judge for the first time in this marine competition. I attentively studied each post and have determined the following contest results

  • Prize 1: @danghao
  • Prize 2: @tinman88
  • Prize 3: @kohsamui99
    I aim to visit the beaches at least once in my life.
    Congrats guys awesome work by all and Have a nice day everyone