

Arte: @oscarps

A lo largo de nuestras existencias, hemos tenido momentos buenos, momentos malos; y es que la vida no es algo uniforme, sino una serie de eventos distintos entre sí, que nos generan experiencias y recuerdos de diversa índole. Dentro de esa gama de situaciones, hay vivencias divertidas, cómicas, hilarantes, que cada vez que las recordamos nos sacan una sonrisa y hasta una sonora carcajada, permitiéndonos sentir nuevamente la energía que experimentamos en ese momento. También, en ocasiones, hay canciones que asociamos precisamente a esas vivencias, ya sea que estaban sonando en ese preciso instante, o simplemente que nos parecen son similares a esa escena divertida de la cual formamos parte.
Throughout our lives, we have had good times and bad times; and the fact is that life is not something uniform, but a series of different events that generate experiences and memories of various kinds. Within that range of situations, there are funny, comical, hilarious experiences, that every time we remember them, they bring a smile and even a loud laugh, allowing us to feel again the energy we experienced at that moment. Also, sometimes, there are songs that we associate precisely to those experiences, either because they were playing at that precise moment, or simply because they seem similar to that funny scene we were part of.

Arte: @edwing357

Y ROCKOLA 3.0, programa anteriormente conocido como VUELTA DE ROCKOLA, en esta nueva etapa, en la que estamos estrenamos Server y proyecto, quiere hacer un programa, para compartir e inspirarnos con esas canciones divertidas, que nos hacen vibrar con alegría, risa y buena onda, y que nos ayudan a vivir el día a día con destellos de felicidad e incluso carcajadas; por tal motivo mañana, sábado 21 de Mayo 2022, haremos una ROCKOLA 3.0: CANCIONES DIVERTIDAS, para que todos compartamos esas melodías que nos hacen viajar en el tiempo y recordar con gran placer momentos en los que nos reímos y gozamos un montón; canciones que al oírlas pensamos: “¡Guao! ¡Qué bien la pasé en ese momento!”
And ROCKOLA 3.0, a program previously known as ROCKOLA RETURN, in this new stage, in which we are launching Server and project, wants to make a program, to share and inspire us with those fun songs that make us vibrate with joy, laughter and good vibes, and that help us live day to day with flashes of happiness and even laughter; for this reason, tomorrow, Saturday, May 21, 2022, we will do a ROCKOLA 3.0: FUNNY SONGS, so that we can all share those melodies that make us travel through time and remember with great pleasure moments when we laugh. and we enjoyed a lot; songs that when we hear them we think: “Wow! What a good time I had at that moment!”

Así que @alberto0607 y @tarot911, te invitamos mañana sábado, 21 de Mayo 2022, en el Server del Proyecto VisualBlock, a las 9:00 p.m. hora Venezuela, 01:00 UTC, y trae una canción que te parezca divertida, y te haga recordar una parte de tu vida en que fuiste súper feliz y te reíste a todo volumen. No importa el estilo, género o idioma, lo importante es que sea una canción significativa para ti, y junto a esa canción, también trae una anécdota, recuerdo o historia que quieras compartir por voice con todos los asistentes, y que esté relacionada con esa melodía.
So @alberto0607 and @tarot911, we invite you tomorrow, Saturday, May 21, 2022, on the VisualBlock Project Server, at 9:00 p.m. Venezuela time, 01:00 UTC, and bring a song that you find funny, and that makes you remember a part of your life when you were super happy and laughed out loud. No matter the style, genre or language, the important thing is that it is a meaningful song for you, and along with that song, also bring an anecdote, memory or story that you want to share by voice with all the attendees, and that is related to that melody.

Para mantener el orden, te invitamos a que expreses tu deseo de participar en este programa, con un comentario al pie de este post, y que te comuniques por privado con @alberto0607 o @tarot911 indicando qué canción compartirás en la “ROCKOLA 3.0: CANCIONES DIVERTIDAS.”

To maintain order, we invite you to express your desire to participate in this program, with a comment at the bottom of this publication, and to communicate privately with @alberto0607 or @tarot911 indicating which song you will share in " ROCKOLA 3.0: FUNNY SONGS.”

Te esperamos mañana sábado 21 de Mayo 2022, a las 09:00 p.m. hora Venezuela, 01:00 UTC.

Puedes unirte a nuestro Server aquí

We are waiting for you tomorrow Saturday, May 21, 2022, at 9:00 p.m. Venezuelan time, 01:00 UTC.

You can join our Server here


If you want to know more about VisualBlock, you can read our presentation post here. You are also welcome to join our Discord server click here. We will also be informing from the social network Twitter, this is its link. More activities and spaces will be announced soon.

Si quieres conocer más de VisualBlock, puedes leer nuestro post de presentación aquí. También eres bienvenid@ a nuestro servidor de Discord pulsa aquí. Igualmente estaremos informando desde la red social de Twitter, este es su enlace. Próximamente anunciaremos más actividades y espacios.


5 years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. https://peakd.com/gangstalking/@acousticpulses/electronic-terrorism-and-gaslighting--if-you-downvote-this-post-you-are-part-of-the-problem


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Siempre una programación espectacular que nos hace pasar un excelente día. @visualblock
