Review || Al descubierto: Punto de Break - Uncovered: Break Point [ESP-ENG]

La salud mental en el deporte, muy poco se comenta, pero, ser el número 1 ejerce mucha presión, la cual es difícil de soportar. Mardy Fish ha sido uno de los atletas que se atrevió hablar del tema, lo vivió en carne propia y lo afecto gravemente en su vida personal, como también deportiva. Desde niño, quiso conquistar la gloria, su mayor deseo era ser el mejor tenista del país, Estados Unidos durante un tiempo tuvo grandes representantes y Fish quería ser uno de ellos.

Mental health in sport is rarely discussed, but being the number 1 exerts a lot of pressure, which is difficult to bear. Mardy Fish has been one of the athletes who dared to talk about it, he lived it in the flesh and it affected him seriously in his personal life, as well as in his sporting life. Since he was a child, he wanted to conquer glory, his greatest desire was to be the best tennis player in the country, the United States for a while had great representatives and Fish wanted to be one of them.

Cuando llego al punto que tanto buscaba, comenzó a tener muchos problemas, ataques fuertes a nivel mental, los cuales no comprendía, y que lo atormentarían fuertemente. Las consecuencias de ser el mejor, llegaron, Mardy Fish no se lo espero, nunca había sido el mejor tenista del país, tuvo una gran competencia en toda su carrera, su compañero de infancia, Andy Roddick, siempre lo supero, hasta que llego su turno y se encontró con la gran sorpresa de la presión.

When he reached the point he was looking for, he began to have many problems, strong mental attacks, which he did not understand, and that would torment him strongly. The consequences of being the best, came, Mardy Fish did not expect it, he had never been the best tennis player in the country, he had a great competition throughout his career, his childhood partner, Andy Roddick, always surpassed him, until his turn came and he found the big surprise of the pressure.


Pete Sampras, John McEnroe, son leyendas del tenis que tiene Estados Unidos, personas que consiguieron ser el número 1 del ranking, ganar varios títulos de Grand Slam y por supuesto, coronarse en el abierto de Estados Unidos. Para los años de 1990, estuvieron en busca de una joven estrella, quien sería el gran remplazo de estas grandes leyendas, otro tenista que pudiera alzar el trofeo de Grand Slam y seguir con la tradición de ser un fuerte contendiente en el circuito del tenis.

Los escogidos serían Mardy Fish y Andy Roddick, 2 jóvenes promesas que comenzaron a entrenar juntos, se llevaban muy bien, contaban con gran talento y se esperaría mucho de ellos para el futuro. El deporte es muy importante para un país, mucho más cuando eres una potencia mundial, Estados Unidos necesitaba recuperar su estatus en el tenis, depositaron la confianza en estos 2 chicos y los veían con grandes posibilidades de seguir levantando importantes trofeos.

Andy Roddick destacaría de inmediato, comenzó a deslumbrar al público, enorme saque inicial, mucha potencia en la pegada y con una mentalidad fuerte, dentro de la cancha. Todo lo contrarió a Mardy Fish, persona más tranquila, con menos hambre de competencia, aunque con un buen talento a desarrollar y grandes expectativas de seguir evolucionando. Por suerte, nunca hubo una enemistad, porque se enfrentaron durante muchos partidos y siempre ganaba Andy Roddick. Mardy Fish observaba el crecimiento de popularidad de su compañero, pero jamás sintió envidia, tenía que trabajar más duro y probablemente también alcanzaría el mismo puesto.


Pete Sampras, John McEnroe, are tennis legends of the United States, people who managed to be number 1 in the ranking, win several Grand Slam titles and of course, be crowned in the U.S. Open. For the 1990s, they were looking for a young star, who would be the great replacement of these great legends, another tennis player who could lift the Grand Slam trophy and continue the tradition of being a strong contender in the tennis circuit.

The chosen ones would be Mardy Fish and Andy Roddick, two promising young players who started training together, got along very well, had great talent and much would be expected from them for the future. Sport is very important for a country, even more so when you are a world power, the United States needed to recover its status in tennis, they placed their trust in these two boys and saw them with great possibilities of continuing to win important trophies.

Andy Roddick would stand out immediately, he began to dazzle the public, with a huge initial serve, a lot of power and a strong mentality inside the court. Everything was the opposite of Mardy Fish, a calmer person, with less hunger for competition, although with a good talent to develop and great expectations to continue evolving. Fortunately, there was never a feud, because they played against each other for many matches and Andy Roddick always won. Mardy Fish observed the growth of popularity of his partner, but he never felt envy, he had to work harder and probably he would also reach the same position.



En el año 2003, con tan solo 21 años de edad, Andy Roddick se coronaba campeón del abierto de EE. UU. El título más preciado por el país, ganar en tu casa, te convierte en un ídolo, se había cumplido lo que tanto buscaba la federación, tener a un nuevo prodigio en el tenis, que siguiera la tradición ganadora de Estados Unidos. Mardy Fish veía todo lo que había conseguido Andy, su amigo de la infancia, estaba en la cima. Un motivado Fish, se mentalizó que también podía lograrlo.

Es interesante, porque dentro del documental, Andy Roddick aparece durante todo el cortometraje, comenta que siempre fue más fuerte a nivel mental, situación que hacía caer a Mardy Fish. En cualquier deporte, para ser el mejor, debes manejar una buena psicología, relacionarte muy bien con la presión, porque si no, difícilmente podrás superar momentos de gran tensión. Derrota tras derrota, Mardy Fish no podía vencer a Roddick, un muro que costaba mucho atravesar.

Después de largos años compitiendo, Mardy Fish, quiso probar algo distinto. Comenzó una dieta, bajando aproximadamente 13 kg, entrenaba muy fuerte durante todos los días, estaba mentalizado al 100%, se trazó una meta, quería estar entre los 8 mejores del mundo y empezó a trabajar duro para conseguirlo. A final de cada año, se juega un torneo entre los 8 mejores del mundo, competencia que tiene gran valor, se enfrentan los mejores contra los mejores y Mardy Fish quería estar entre ellos.


In 2003, at only 21 years of age, Andy Roddick was crowned champion of the U.S. Open. The most prized title in the country, winning at home, makes you an idol, what the federation was looking for, to have a new prodigy in tennis, who would follow the winning tradition of the United States, had been fulfilled. Mardy Fish saw all that Andy, his childhood friend, had achieved, he was at the top. A motivated Fish, he psyched himself up that he could do it too.

It is interesting, because in the documentary, Andy Roddick appears throughout the short film, commenting that he was always stronger mentally, a situation that made Mardy Fish fall. In any sport, to be the best, you have to manage a good psychology, relate very well with the pressure, because if not, you can hardly overcome moments of great tension. Defeat after defeat, Mardy Fish could not beat Roddick, a wall that was hard to break through.

After long years of competing, Mardy Fish wanted to try something different. He started a diet, losing approximately 13 kg, he trained very hard every day, he was 100% focused, he set a goal, he wanted to be among the top 8 in the world and he started to work hard to achieve it. At the end of each year, a tournament is played among the 8 best in the world, a competition that has great value, the best against the best and Mardy Fish wanted to be among them.



El 2011 sería el año crucial, teníamos a un nuevo Mardy Fish, físicamente impecable y mentalmente mejorado. Encadeno victorias consecutivas, logro vencer a Rafael Nadal, uno de los más grandes de la historia, llego lejos en importantes, Grand Slam y alcanzo estar entre los 10 mejores del mundo. Andy Roddick no estaba en su mejor momento, llego la hora de Mardy Fish, todo el foco estaba en su nombre, se convirtió en el estadounidense mejor clasificado del ranking.

Rápidamente, llego la presión, había una gran necesidad de conquistar nuevamente el abierto de Estados Unidos y Mardy Fish era el hombre a lograrlo. Sin darse cuenta, su cuerpo entro en una etapa extraña, no reaccionaba igual que antes, se encontraba en su mejor etapa en tenis, pero al mismo tiempo, todo alrededor de su mente, se desboronaba. Mardy Fish, sintió un gran ataque de ansiedad, luego problemas cardiacos y el descenso llego.

Es increíble, Mardy jugaba de manera espectacular, y de momento se perdía dentro de la cancha. Los ataques comenzaban jugando, descansando, por todos lados su mente sufría, mientras los reporteros lo destrozaban, decían que no estaba a la altura, no contaban con un gran jugador estadounidense y que estaba perdiendo mucho. Obviamente, estas palabras, no las pudo soportar, aumentaban los ataques de pánico y en partidos difíciles su mente se colocaba en blanco.

A muchos jugadores le sucede, pero no se atreven a contarlo, Mardy Fish, freno su carrera en el año 2012, no podía competir, se estaba ahogando en el mejor momento que había tenido en el tenis, apenas alcanzo el pico de estrellato, los problemas llegaron y nunca pudo solucionarlos. La presión es una tormenta, Mardy Fish abandono un partido contra Roger Federer, quien para el momento era el mejor del mundo y se trató de un ataque de ansiedad. No quería perder, no quería defraudar a su gente, se esperaba mucho de Fish y eso psicológicamente lo quebró.

El documental tiene una duración de 1 hora con 19 minutos, muy fácil de ver, llevan una buena narrativa, jamás se desvían del tiempo, los propios protagonistas comentan su versión, vemos a un Mardy Fish que cuenta su experiencia, lo mal que la paso y lo que aprendió de todo lo vivido. Recomendado, pocas veces se toca el tema de la salud mental, no se habla de ello en los deportes y es sumamente importante. Ser el mejor, viene acompañado de grandes consecuencias y debes estar preparado para asumirlas, de lo contrario no será nada bueno.


2011 would be the crucial year, we had a new Mardy Fish, physically impeccable and mentally improved. He chained consecutive victories, managed to beat Rafael Nadal, one of the greatest in history, went far in important Grand Slams and reached to be among the top 10 in the world. Andy Roddick was not at his best, it was time for Mardy Fish, all the focus was on his name, he became the highest ranked American.

Quickly, the pressure was on, there was a great need to win the U.S. Open again and Mardy Fish was the man to do it. Without realizing it, his body went into a strange phase, it was not reacting the same as before, he was at his best in tennis, but at the same time, everything around his mind, was overflowing. Mardy Fish felt a great anxiety attack, then heart problems and the downturn came.

Unbelievably, Mardy was playing spectacularly, and then he was lost on the court. The attacks began playing, resting, everywhere his mind was suffering, while reporters were tearing him apart, saying that he was not up to the task, they did not count on a great American player and that he was losing a lot. Obviously, these words, he could not stand them, panic attacks increased and in difficult matches his mind went blank.

It happens to many players, but they do not dare to tell it, Mardy Fish, stopped his career in 2012, he could not compete, he was drowning in the best moment he had had in tennis, just reached the peak of stardom, the problems came and he could never solve them. The pressure is a storm, Mardy Fish abandoned a match against Roger Federer, who at the time was the best in the world and it was an anxiety attack. He didn't want to lose, he didn't want to let his people down, a lot was expected from Fish and that psychologically broke him.

The documentary has a duration of 1 hour and 19 minutes, very easy to watch, they have a good narrative, they never deviate from the time, the protagonists themselves comment their version, we see a Mardy Fish who tells his experience, how bad it was and what he learned from everything he lived. Recommended, the subject of mental health is rarely touched upon, it is not talked about in sports and it is extremely important. Being the best comes with great consequences and you must be prepared to assume them, otherwise it will not be any good.



Calificación: 8.0/10
Dirección: Maclain Way, Chapman Way
Genero: Documental, deportes
Disponible en Netflix

Rating: 8.0/10
Direction: Maclain Way, Chapman Way
Genre: Documentary, sports
Available on Netflix

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Greetings friends, very little I see this sport as is tennis, I know nothing about the different legends and each of the athletes, however, in any sport over demand can bring many consequences, everything is to obtain title, fame, but the damage it receives the human body is very large and then will be affected. A pleasure to read you and thank you for sharing this opinion.


Greetings to you. You are really right, world class players, they are very demanding, the fame makes that they can't go anywhere, they have constant pressure, they can't lose, they have to endure criticism, it's not easy, but, that's the bad thing, we know all the benefits they manage to get.

Thank you for your opinion.


Not only is it a physically demanding sport, but the psychological level is also a very important factor in tennis. The pressure to be among the best is very strong.


Likewise, it is not easy, Mardy Fish did not resist, the pressure consumed him. It is surprising how in the middle of the match he felt the anxiety attack.
