Review || Riesgo Bajo Cero - Ice Road [ESP-ENG]

Te puedes imaginar un escenario donde quedas atrapado, no hay forma de salir, te encuentras en un espacio muy cerrado y las opciones de sobrevivir son pocas. ¿Horroroso cierto? Pues eso fue lo que sucedió a un grupo de trabajadores en una mina, simplemente se desploma y son pocos los que consiguen salir de aquella explosión. Dentro de la mina quedan 26 personas, hay que enviar un grupo de rescate, no hay mucho margen de oxigeno y la misión es sacar a todos con vida.

You can imagine a scenario where you are trapped, there is no way out, you are in a very confined space and the options to survive are few. Horrifying, isn't it? Well, that's what happened to a group of workers in a mine, it simply collapses and few manage to get out of the explosion. Inside the mine there are 26 people left, you have to send a rescue team, there is not much oxygen margin and the mission is to get everyone out alive.

El buen actor Laurence Fishburne, conocido como Jim Goldenrod es el líder del grupo de rescate, comienza a reclutar hombres, pero resulta difícil por la época, hay mucha nieve en la carretera y el camino resulta peligroso. A su unidad llega el gran Liam Neeson, conocido en la película como Mike McCann, quien junto a su hermano Gurty McCann deciden ayudar y para completar el grupo aparece Tantoo que será la mujer del viaje. Todo esta preparado, la situación es riesgosa, pero la paga es buena y deciden emprender el rumbo hacia el rescate de los mineros.

The good actor Laurence Fishburne, known as Jim Goldenrod is the leader of the rescue group, he begins to recruit men, but it is difficult because of the time, there is a lot of snow on the road and the road is dangerous. To his unit arrives the great Liam Neeson, known in the film as Mike McCann, who along with his brother Gurty McCann decide to help and to complete the group appears Tantoo who will be the woman of the trip. Everything is prepared, the situation is risky, but the pay is good and they decide to set off to rescue the miners.

Drama de Ice Road


Los miembros de rescate tienen que dividirse en 3, porque serán 3 camiones los que tienen que transportar, pues será necesario para llevar todo el equipamiento que van a utilizar al momento de rescatar a los mineros y el recorrido es sumamente largo. Las probabilidades de llegar todos hacia la mina, son realmente bajas porque toda la carretera esta cubierta de hielo, fácilmente puede romperse y quedar sumergidos todos bajo el agua.

Encontraremos gran suspenso en todo el recorrido, el grupo de rescate pasa por diferente situaciones, momentos donde todo parece acabado, incluso llegan haber perdidas, tal como se había previsto antes de partir y cada uno tenia la orden de seguir si cualquier eventualidad sucede. Es un poco triste cuando vemos fallecer a unos de los miembros de rescate, se trataba de un personaje con el cual haces conexión rápido y es una sorpresa al observar que muere tan pronto.

Mientras los hombres de rescate luchan por vivir, dentro de la mina todas las personas van quedando sin oxigeno, no hay mucho tiempo para ellos, comienza gran discordia entre los mismos compañeros y se crea un ambiente de gran tensión. Con un integrante menos los de rescate deben continuar, pero los camiones comienzan a fallar y surge un problema que nadie tenia en mente. Existen personas que no desean el rescate, hubo un plan macabro por parte de algunos lideres, hombres malos que buscan detener todo y los miembros de rescate comienzan una batalla que no se esperaban.


The members of the rescue team have to divide into 3, because there will be 3 trucks to transport, as it will be necessary to carry all the equipment to be used at the time of rescuing the miners and the route is extremely long. The chances of reaching the mine are really low because the entire road is covered with ice, which can easily break and submerge everyone under water.

We will find great suspense throughout the journey, the rescue group goes through different situations, moments where everything seems to be over, there may even be losses, as it was planned before leaving and each one had the order to follow if any eventuality happens. It is a little sad when we see the death of one of the rescue members, it was a character with whom you make a quick connection and it is a surprise to see him die so soon.

While the rescue men struggle to live, inside the mine all the people are running out of oxygen, there is not much time for them, there is great discord among the same colleagues and an atmosphere of great tension is created. With one member less, the rescuers must continue, but the trucks begin to fail and a problem arises that no one had in mind. There are people who do not want the rescue, there was a macabre plan by some leaders, bad men who seek to stop everything and the rescue members begin a battle they did not expect.

Mike McCann & Jim Goldenrod


Tragedia en el camino / Tragedy on the road


Sobrevivencia - Survival


Tanto para los hombres de rescate, como para los mineros atrapados, siempre se trato de sobrevivir, poder aguantar ante una situación de alto riesgo, pero la sobrevivencia aumento a medida que pasaba el tiempo, los miembros de rescaten comienzan a recibir muchos ataques, quieren eliminarlos para borrar toda evidencia y crear un escenario falso donde se indique la muerte de todos. Luego en la mina, hay una persona que quiere destruir la paz, busca que uno o dos personas fallezcan y así tener mas libertad de oxigeno para todos.

Liam Neeson nos acostumbro a rescatar personas en sus producciones, siempre ha sido el hombre a llamar para pelear contra los malos, aquí no será nada diferente, para quien se hace llamar Mike McCann. Su hermano tiene una condición, no posee la fuerza necesaria para luchar, por lo tanto Mike lo ha cuidado durante toda su vida y tendrá que hacerlo nuevamente ante un villano que intenta todo por acabarlos. El gran trayecto esta lleno de muchas disputas, peleas para sobrevivir y un suspenso enorme ante el suelo de hielo que tiende a romperse.

En la mina se enteran de una traición, hubo una decisión que pudo provocar el desplome, muchas personas quedan indignadas por el jefe que tienen y los miembros de rescate también se percatan de la traición que sufrieron al ser contratados por las personas incorrectas. Para este momento el dinero queda hacia un lado, no se trata de eso, los miembros de rescate se lo toman personal, la vida es lo mas importante que existe y la misión es desenmascarar a los lideres que iniciaron todo ese desastre.


Both for the rescue men and the trapped miners, it was always about survival, to be able to endure in a high risk situation, but survival increased as time went by, the members of the rescue team began to receive many attacks, they want to eliminate them to erase all evidence and create a false scenario where the death of all is indicated. Then in the mine, there is a person who wants to destroy the peace, he wants one or two people to die and thus have more freedom of oxygen for everyone.

Liam Neeson is used to rescuing people in his productions, he has always been the man to call to fight the bad guys, here it will be no different, for the man who calls himself Mike McCann. His brother has a condition, he doesn't have the strength to fight, so Mike has taken care of him all his life and will have to do it again against a villain who tries everything to finish them off. The great journey is filled with many disputes, fights for survival and a huge suspense before the ice floor that tends to break.

In the mine they learn of a betrayal, there was a decision that could have caused the collapse, many people are outraged by the boss they have and the rescue members also realize the betrayal they suffered by being hired by the wrong people. By this time the money is put aside, it is not about that, the rescue members take it personally, life is the most important thing that exists and the mission is to unmask the leaders who started the whole disaster.

Comienzo de la batalla / Beginning of the battle


Luchando / Fighting


Opinión Final - Final Opinion


La película tiene una duración de 1 hora con 48 minutos, comienza un poco lenta, pero poco a poco vas entrando en sintonía, no van a encontrar mucha acción, pues se basa mas en el suspenso, aunque si hay ciertos momentos de tensión donde la acción llama y no esta nada mal. La actuación de Liam Neeson como protagonista me parece buena, muy a su estilo y sin nada nuevo que descubrir. Tenemos al final una situación heroica, la cual no esta nada forzada, pero termina con la vida de un personaje y pienso que eso no resultaba necesario.

No me gusto que el villano siempre volvía, había momentos que parecía una película de terror, Mike lo golpeaba mucho, le hacia lo peor posible, pero de la nada volvía aparecer y eso me fastidio un poco. Si te caes en un auto por un barranco de hielo, atrapado en una camioneta, lo mas posible es que termines muerto, lo cual no pasaba con esta persona y lo peor es que ni herido se veía. Total es una película, no podemos exigir mucho a veces, lo cierto es que me hace restarle un poco a esta producción.

Si deseas entretenerte un buen rato, te la recomiendo porque el suspenso lo llevan bien, además te va encantar mucho el hermano de Mike, teniendo su condición es un gran mecánico, ayuda mucho en cada etapa del rescate y se puede decir que es el gran héroe de la película. La mujer Tantoo tiene todo el aspecto de mala, vas a quedar un poco confundida con ella, si la ves sabrás porque y será un personaje que causa odio y al mismo tiempo gran amor. Para concluir mencionar que esta disponible en netflix y fue estrenada el 25 de junio de 2021.


The film has a duration of 1 hour and 48 minutes, it starts a little slow, but little by little you get in tune, you will not find much action, as it is based more on suspense, although there are certain moments of tension where the action calls and it is not bad at all. Liam Neeson's performance as the protagonist seems good to me, very much in his style and with nothing new to discover. We have a heroic situation at the end, which is not forced at all, but it ends with the life of a character and I think that was not necessary.

I didn't like that the villain always came back, there were moments that seemed like a horror movie, Mike beat him a lot, did his worst, but out of nowhere he would reappear and that annoyed me a little. If you fall in a car down an icy ravine, trapped in a van, the most likely thing is that you end up dead, which did not happen with this person and the worst thing is that he didn't even look hurt. All in all it's a movie, we can't demand too much sometimes, the truth is that it makes me subtract a little to this production.

If you want to be entertained for a good time, I recommend it because the suspense is well handled, plus you will love Mike's brother, having his condition he is a great mechanic, he helps a lot in each stage of the rescue and you can say that he is the great hero of the film. The Tantoo woman has all the aspect of bad, you will be a little confused with her, if you see her you will know why and she will be a character that causes hatred and at the same time great love. To conclude mention that it is available on Netflix and was released on June 25, 2021.

Mike McCann el gran líder / Mike McCann the great leader


Calificación: 8.5/10
Dirección: Jonathan Hensleigh
Producción: Bart Rosenblatt Shivani Rawat
Genero: Suspenso, aventura, acción
Disponible en Netflix

Rating: 8.5/10
Director: Jonathan Hensleigh
Production: Bart Rosenblatt Shivani Rawat
Genre: Suspense, Adventure, Action
Available on Netflix



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I haven't seen it yet, it's from last year, but I had forgotten about it. XD I like that Liam Neeson with seventy years old is still playing the hero in this kind of movies. Although there are some that have been really bad, that's why I forgot to see this one, because I don't know what to expect, but your review has encouraged me to give it a chance. It seems like they have to survive the weather conditions more than the villain of the moment. I'm not going to watch the trailer, because a lot of trailers exploit the whole plot.


Hehe well if Lia Neeson is still the rescue man, it is indeed based on the climatic environment, the ice is usually a huge problem, although there is also a person who tries to damage everything, I recommend it, it is not the best in the world, but it is not bad and it is entertaining.


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hahaha this movie is definitely not suitable for people with heart problems, it's full of suspense and intrigue, but it's very good, thanks for the excellent recommendation bro :D


Hehe if there are many moments of great tension, really suspense is pretty good, thanks for stopping by the content and leave your comment. Greetings my friend
