Different options to have an additional nationality/Diferentes opciones para tener una nacionalidad adicional.


Today I am going to try to explain the first of the 4 ways to get an additional passport that can be useful for our life and for our investments.
This way is possibly the simplest for the acquisition of an additional nationality but also the one that is available to fewer people. It is about the economy, either through investments or donations.
There are different types from investments in companies or purchases of real estate. During the economic crisis in Europe buying real estate of considerable price the passport was obtained giving the right to the advantages of being European.
Some of these programs are permanent but others are usually temporary, so take the opportunity. An example that was no longer active was the investment in the Comoras that for just 50,000 dollars allowed you to have your passport.
The Caribbean islands like Dominica or Antigua and Barbuda are a good option today.
We must always remember that we must not only look at the short-term cost, but its usefulness for our objectives. Either reduce the tax burden, travel with more freedom or enjoy a pleasant and safe place in case of conflicts in our country.
I say goodbye soon I will write about the second option to get our additional passport.

Foto: Pexels

Hoy voy a intentar explicar la primera de las 4 maneras de conseguir un passaporte adicional que nos pueda ser util para nuestra vida y para nuestras inversiones.
Esta manera es posiblemente la mas sencilla para la adquisicion de una nacionalidad adicional pero tambien la que esta al alcance de menos personas. Se trata de la economica, ya sea a traves de inversiones o donaciones.
Hay diferentes tipos desde inversiones en empresas o compras de inmuebles. Durante la crisis economica en Europa comprando inmuebles de precio considerable se conseguia el passaporte dando derecho a las ventajas de ser Europeo.
Algunos de estos programas son permanentes pero otros suelen ser temporales, asi que hay que aprovechar la oportunidad. Un ejemplo ya no activo era la inversion en las Comoras que por apenas 50.000 Dolares te permitia disponer de su passaporte.
Las islas caribeñas como Dominica o Antigua y Barbuda son una buena opcion actualmente.
Siempre hay que recordar que no solo hay que mirar el coste a corto plazo, sino su utilidad para nuestros objetivos. Ya sea reducir la carga impositiva, viajar con mas libertad o disfrutar de un lugar agradable y seguro en caso de conflitos en nuestro pais.
Me despido pronto escribire sobre la segunda de las opciones para conseguir nuestro passaporte adicional.

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Taking as a reference some Central American countries the investment is relatively low, since countries like Costa Rica and Panama to obtain a nationality around 100k to 250k American dollars!

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If those are two good options. The islands of the Caribbean and the Pacific are also among the most interesting.


All those little things are interesting to know, since in this crypto environment it is possible that at any time you have a large liquidity, and that is where you have to know how to play your chips well!

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