Is hive a Scam?


I want to clarify something in the start the reasons I am writing this post is not to degrade hive blockchain or blame anyone, my attention to write this post is to discuss something which is very important to to defend

I just read few comments from a user who is claiming hive is a scam, he is blaming one of the top hive witnesses or developer are involve in it, he think developer showings us rewards are distributed 50% to curators and 50% to Authors but in reality curators are receiving 75% and Authors only 25%

I just want to say these are totally basis less allegation in order to spread negativety, some users still missing some basic points it's a totally decentralized blockchain, nobody can control or modified anything on protocol level until reaching to consensus

If someone is trying to post copy paste content which is not useful or not even orginal then he think his work should be appreciated or he should receive upvotes it's a his own problem, because it's repeated again and again only unique, useful or orginal content is considered for upvotes by curators

Nobody like to upvote a content which is not your own just copied from the internet, and problem starts from here when someone from old or experience hive users try to request someone and ask him please don't post copy pasted content, then he started to spread negativety about whole hive blockchain community

I am using hive from 2018 I mean from steem blockchain days, I don't think hive blockchain is a scam or any hive witness or developer is try to deceive others in order to get more rewards and upvotes

I know Hive blockchain is not perfect yet we need a lot of improvements but please don't labeled and truly decentralized blockchain which is a totally censorship resistance as a scam

Please if you are struggling to grow or due to any mistake your account have negative reputation or receiving downvotes please try to understand you can start again with another account, there is no restrictions like many other online earning apps or platforms you can create more than one account

Think about it carefully start learning about hive blockchain and start creating original and useful content then nobody will stop you from growing and Bulding, don't blame whole community as scammers due to a one bad life experience or incident

I can guarantee you hive is not a scam or something like that it's truly decentralized highly scalable blockchain bulid or owned by community and different users around the world, it's a life changing opportunity don't compare it with something like a centerlized social media platforms or blockchain projects

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I think that user needs to research more about Hive. He probably has little knowledge of how Hive works. Everything is on the blockchain though, it's available to everyone to read. If reading doesn't work, he could probably join spaces where Hive is talked about to gain more knowledge. Or he could ask the right people.

We've already learned that dismissing the things here in Hive as a scam without proper research/knowledge will just backfire on that user.


Yes mostly it's due to lack of knowledge or due to personal agendas otherwise it's very easy to understand what is a decentralized blockchain and how it's worked


Well said bro! Users should not blame Hive when they have no solid proof. They should focus on their content if they want upvotes from the community and stop spreading negativity.
