The Heel Challenge ~ Wearing My Discomfort



I have always been someone who doesn't do things to please others.
I don't inconvenience myself just to please people.
I prioritize my happiness and rank my comfort in a way you wouldn't understand.
And anything that looks like discomfort to me is often pushed aside.
Yes, hearing heels is one of those discomforts I pushed aside.
I grew up with a special love and liking for flat shoes like sneakers, boots, cover shoes, and the rest.
I love sneakers especially and I don't really mind wearing them for every occasion lol.
Though it will just be too weird and absurd wearing sneakers to every occasion right? I mean there are standards of dressing or dress codes for each occasion so I became selective and reduced the way I wore sneakers.

I had a conversation with someone once and he asked why I don't wear heels and the answer was, " they make me uncomfortable"
Heels steal my comfort from me and it's something I just cannot risk.
I have always wondered how other ladies do it, I mean I admire ladies who wear heels and walk majestically on them but it's a No! No! thing for me.

Every time I think about this challenge, I usually ask myself, "will I ever be comfortable on heels?"
I do know that someday I will have to wear them so the question obviously cannot be "will I ever wear them?" cause of course I know I will but the issue, the major problem is in my comfort.
I feel this is a challenge to me and I don't even wish to dwell on it because if the time comes and the situation demands I wear them, then I might not be left with any other option other than wearing my discomfort lol.

Where are my professional ladies on heels? 😊😉
You guys should line up here and share your experience with me and even the amateurs too lol, let's know ourselves lol.
Thank you for stopping by, viewing my post, and giving it a thumbs up and reblog. I appreciate your comments as well.


            21 August 2021


For me, I know how to wear heels comfortably but I don't like wearing them unless I absolutely have too. I'm already taller than most girls now imagine wearing heels and walking with my shorter friends😂😂. Sneakers is my go to footwear.

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Hahaha lol. What a show of height it would be lol. I love sneakers like nuts lol
